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  1. Nice script!
  2. 【 @kiynox 】 --- thanks! well this script was given to me by my friend and I was trying to figure out what he was trying to do in this script lol ---
  3. 【 @MANDO01 】 --- Fr lmao ---
  4. 【 @kiynox 】 --- thanks, I understood these commands perfectly, but I don't know what mistakes I made, can you fix it too? ---
  5. 【 @Count_Nosferatu 】 --- what are you tryin to say? ---
  6. 【 @kiynox 】 --- can you explain me in depth about this script function what is happening in this script ↓ gg.clearResults() gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_C_ALLOC) gg.searchNumber(':nDstDist', 1) gg.refineNumber('110', 1) maintest = gg.getResults(6) gg.clearResults() maintest2 = maintest[1].address - 0x18 gg.searchNumber(maintest2, 32) local results = gg.getResults(19) local resultnumber = {1} local elements = {} for i, v in ipairs(resultnumber) do if results[v] ~= nil then table.insert(elements, {address = results[v].address, flags = 16,value = "-9e9"}) end end if #elements > 0 then gg.setValues(elements) end for i, v in ipairs(resultnumber) do if results[v] ~= nil then table.insert(elements, {address = results[v].address, flags = 16, value = "9e9"}) end end if #elements > 0 then gg.setValues(elements) end gg.clearResults() ---
  7. 【 @kiynox 】Are you on social media like Instagram or Discord? ---
  8. 【 @kiynox 】bro, do you have better commands for this or can you correct me what mistakes I am doing ↓ local gg = gg local s = 1136216893891 local offset = { 0x1C, 0x1C, 0x1C} local r = {} gg.clearResults() gg.searchNumber(s,32) if gg.getResultCount()==0 then print('No results found.') os.exit() end local t = gg.getResults(10) trex = gg.prompt({'For how many milliseconds do you want to spawn trex? (1000 = 1 sec)'}, {[1]='0'}, {[1]='number'}) if trex == nil then alert('It has to be at least 1 millisecond') return end for i,v in ipairs(t) do r = { [1] = { address = v.address-offset[1], flags = 1, value = 0, name = 'Instant respawn'..i..',1' }, [2] = { address = v.address+offset[2], flags = 16, value = 0, freeze = true, name = 'Trex spawn'..i..',2' }, -- for how many milliseconds do you want to spawn trex? gg.sleep(trex[1]) [3] = { address = v.address+offset[3], flags = 16, value = 190, freeze = true, name = 'Trex spawn'..i..',2' }, } gg.setValues(r) gg.addListItems(r) end gg.toast("yourram") gg.clearResults() ---
  9. 【 @kiynox 】 --- As you can see here gg.addListItems(t) is what saves all my edits, so I am asking how can I save only 100(local address = v.address - 0x0)edited values while using this function.
  10. 【 @kiynox 】 --- Alright, thanks bro you always help me ↓need another help, how can I save only 100 value in float type using this function↓ local function setAddr(addr, flags, value, freeze) local t = {} t[1] = {} t[1].address = addr t[1].flags = flags t[1].value = value t[1].freeze = freeze gg.setValues(t) gg.addListItems(t) end gg.searchNumber("-7041975695332343808", gg.TYPE_QWORD, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1, 0) gg.refineNumber("-7041975695332343808") local r = gg.getResults(10) for _, v in ipairs(r) do local addr = v.address + 0x80 setAddr(addr, 16, "140", false) end for _, v in ipairs(r) do local addr = v.address - 0x0 setAddr(addr, 16, "100", false) end for _, v in ipairs(r) do local addr = v.address - 0x50 setAddr(addr, 16, "800", false) end
  11. 【 @MANDO01 】 --- I found the solution, thanks for not replying
  12. 【 @Count_Nosferatu 】 --- No need anymore, I found out my mistake, thanks for the help!
  13. 【 @Count_Nosferatu 】 --- can you give me an example or can you correct me ↓ ---
  14. 【 @kiynox 】ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ--- gg.loadResults(gg.getListItems()) is giving me results but gg.loadResults(troll) is not giving me results. "can you tell the reason why this is happening?" function BOSS1() -- 1st Search Results ↓ gg.searchNumber("8243116118139470283", 32) troll = gg.getResults(gg.getResultsCount()) gg.addListItems(troll) -- 2nd Search Results ↓ gg.searchNumber("8243116118139479840", 32) troll = gg.getResults(gg.getResultsCount()) gg.addListItems( troll) -- 3rd Search Results ↓ gg.searchNumber("8143116118139470289", 32) troll = gg.getResults(gg.getResultsCount()) gg.addListItems(troll) -- 4th Search Results ↓ gg.searchNumber("9243116118139472811", 32) troll = gg.getResults(gg.getResultsCount()) gg.addListItems(troll) gg.clearResults() end function BOSS2() gg.loadResults(gg.getListItems()) -- Giving Results [ √ ] gg.loadResults(troll) -- Not Giving Results [ X ] end
  15. I have found another way to do it but while doing it I'm facing a problem, gg.loadResults(gg.getListItems()) is giving me results but gg.loadResults(troll) is not giving me results. The question is "why"? function BOSS1() -- 1st Search Results ↓ gg.searchNumber("8243116118139470283", 32) gg.refineNumber("8243116118139470283", 32) troll = gg.getResults(gg.getResultsCount()) gg.addListItems(troll) -- 2nd Search Results ↓ gg.searchNumber("8243116118139479840", 32) gg.refineNumber("8243116118139479840", 32) troll = gg.getResults(gg.getResultsCount()) gg.addListItems( troll) -- 3rd Search Results ↓ gg.searchNumber("8143116118139470289", 32) gg.refineNumber("8143116118139470289", 32) troll = gg.getResults(gg.getResultsCount()) gg.addListItems(troll) -- 4th Search Results ↓ gg.searchNumber("9243116118139472811", 32) gg.refineNumber("9243116118139472811", 32) troll = gg.getResults(gg.getResultsCount()) gg.addListItems(troll) gg.clearResults() end function BOSS2() gg.loadResults(gg.getListItems()) -- Giving Results [ √ ] gg.loadResults(troll) -- Not Giving Results [ X ] os.exit() end
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