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    Infinix Note 7

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  1. Check i have unlimited paint lumber
  2. I don't have YouTube Channel i have explained everything here read it carefully
  3. Any updates on this
  4. Can we get old season rewards like old decorations
  5. If you have gem anything can be bought.
  6. I don't know why they can't change but forgot about that changes id of deluxe chest with legendary chest or premium tree or Rare Tree chest it will work.
  7. Change Chest Type(by using class name ChestCSO and find its field in dump.cs , then swap id of deluxe chest with legendary chest or premium tree chest or rare tree chest). You also can change card rarity (swap common to ultimate, it is also done by cards id) it is not nessary it is only for instant getting.
  8. No i have read that manager name in dump.cs he is already in game
  9. Everything Unlocked.
  10. 14 Legendary Manager are Given in Game, i managed to get 13 Manager to Max out, 1 manager is missing don't know if it is now not available.
  11. For 32 bit Search this in Script i provided Class Name :LegendarySupervisor Field :0x110 Exicute script and Change all results to 0. Now you will be able get all types of Legendary manager in langendry chest.
  12. Above Example was for 32bit. For 64bit search class name in dump.cs of 64bit and you will find field or offset of 64bit
  13. Sorry for Max Cards 0×C and 0×14
  14. No need to use previous version, i hacked everything in the game using current version. First thing you need to do is to make a dump.cs of the game( with metadata and libil2cpp.so) in the Il2CppDumperGUI app. Now Iam giving a script named field_offset_finder use this script with the help of dump.cs Open dump.cs search what you want to hack. Copy the Class Name and field or offset of that thing now goto to gg open script paste class name and field or offset( check if you are using 32bit game if 32bit then click try 32bit) and run the script it will give you result change it as you want. For Example if you want to hack chest card, open gg exicute script put ManagerCardsGenerator in Class Name and 0×8 , 0×10 (for minimum cards, search both one by one using same class name given) run script some results will be shown edit all to 998, for max cards put 0×C and 0×10 one by one using same class name given , now edit all these to 999 , you are done all chest will give you 998 to 999 manager cards per open.(i found these class name and offset using dump.cs) You can also change chest rewards, for this put RewardType in class name and 0×8 in field , all rewards id will be shown by running script (if you don't know about rewards id search it dump.cs) Feild_Offset_Finder_V3.lua
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