Name of Game: Clear Vision 3
Play Store Link (If it's a paid app, the apk):
Version: 1.0.3
What cheat? Health, xp, gold...:
Money and "Assassin Tokens" would be a great start. Their are also locked weapons/areas, but it appears that you can buy
your way out of that. There is also an energy meter that can be a pain, but the $$/tokens is just driving me nuts.
Have you tried cheating this game? What happened?:
Ok using GG 6.0.5 Started with a straight search of $$ in default regions, then expaned a the simple search to java/c,c++/more and then all regions.
No luck. Then switched to fuzzy search, trying all regions. Search size Auto to start then 4/2/1 bytes. Doing the normal scan/increese $$/scan larger/do a few screen changes (leaving $$ same of course) then fuzzy scan =, spent some $$ did a fuzzy deceease etc. No luck at all.
All the normal steps i would follow for any other game i have tried.
Comments: This is a fun game but would be so much more if i could upgrade my sniper rifle especially on the simpler missions just for the pure head splatter.
Really dont know what i could be doing wrong. Had issues with some othere games, but finaly solved them. This one however is driving me nuts.
Any help or ideas would be great.
Oh and if anyone is hacking "Gurk III", the values are all doubled. So your 2000 exp points will be found as 4000 etc, same with all character stats.
Thanks to all