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Everything posted by Bixxler

  1. Bixxler

    Days After

  2. I can't tell you that, I would have to test it myself.
  3. Simply put, I think it's your RAM. I had the same problem with my old Redmi Note 11, there just wasn't enough RAM available
  4. Bixxler

    Days After

    Hello, I have written to you privately in discord.
  5. It works, come into my Telegram
  6. View File Amikin Survival Discord: https://discord.gg/t7HrPsGFKR Note: ARMV8 / 64-Bit Only. Caution: Risk of Ban Play Store: Amikin Survival APK [MOD MENU] VIP Mode Enabled Game Speed x2 Most Opponents are Blind High Durability Swap Repair Durability (use only in Base) Free Build / Upgrade / Finalize Submitter Bixxler Submitted 10/01/2024 Category LUA scripts  
  7. Version 0.14.1


    Discord: https://discord.gg/t7HrPsGFKR Note: ARMV8 / 64-Bit Only. Caution: Risk of Ban Play Store: Amikin Survival APK [MOD MENU] VIP Mode Enabled Game Speed x2 Most Opponents are Blind High Durability Swap Repair Durability (use only in Base) Free Build / Upgrade / Finalize
  8. if you are afraid of being banned, don't use scripts ...
  9. Bixxler

    Days After

  10. Bixxler

    Days After

    it only works for Upgrade or Blueprint. (Builder is work in progress)
  11. Bixxler

    Days After

    View File Days After Discord: https://discord.gg/t7HrPsGFKR ARMV8 / 64 BIT Only. [MOD MENU] - Free Premium - - Max Durability - - Dump Opponents - - Free Craft (Work in Progress) - - No Hunger & Thirst, Infection - - Insta Travel / Free - - Fast Level Up - - Fast Perklevel Up - - Maximum Stacksize - - bypass - Submitter Bixxler Submitted 11/16/2023 Category LUA scripts  
  12. Version 12.3.0


    Discord: https://discord.gg/t7HrPsGFKR ARMV8 / 64 BIT Only. [MOD MENU] - Free Premium - - Max Durability - - Dump Opponents - - Free Craft (Work in Progress) - - No Hunger & Thirst, Infection - - Insta Travel / Free - - Fast Level Up - - Fast Perklevel Up - - Maximum Stacksize - - bypass -
  13. U mean 6.4.1 I allready finisht, start the Script
  14. Try now
  15. Done, next time do not push, something like that takes time
  16. Hi, that is not possible with this game. Changing the uid only temporarily prevents the ban. When you restart the game, you will be banned from the server.
  17. View File Mutiny Pirate Survival RPG Playstore: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.heliogames.pirates&hl=en_US Discord: Discord: https://discord.gg/t7HrPsGFKR ARM8 - 64BIT ONLY [Caution risk to be banned] [MOD MENU] - VIP - - High Durability - - Free / Insta Travel - Submitter Bixxler Submitted 10/27/2023 Category LUA scripts  
  18. Version 0.49.1


    Playstore: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.heliogames.pirates&hl=en_US Discord: Discord: https://discord.gg/t7HrPsGFKR ARM8 - 64BIT ONLY [Caution risk to be banned] [MOD MENU] - VIP - - High Durability - - Free / Insta Travel -
  19. I will try
  20. I have already tried. Unfortunately it does not work either. But it doesn't matter, I have no problem to patch with bytes. My arm code is sometimes 10-16 lines long.
  21. Can u Try in Memu?
  22. After my research, I have found out that ~A8 FMOV S0, W0 generates the following HEX : 1E260000h. But according to armconverter.com 1E270000h is correct. And this works then also ... Problem solved.
  23. Ok, is this a bug from GG? If I patch pure with bytes it works, if I use GG syntax it does not work ??? Working : 60668652r 6010A872r 0000271Er C0035FD6r Not Working : ~A8 MOV W0, #0x3333 ~A8 MOVK W0, #0x4083, LSL #16 ~A8 FMOV S0 ,W0 -A8 RET Why ??
  24. I have now been able to test my ARM64 (my own Unity testapp). Funny enough I get with the following instruction: ~A8 MOV w8, #0xC28F ~A8 MOVK w8, #0x3D75, LSL #16 ~A8 FMOV s0, w8 ~A8 ret following values : This explains why the character runs too fast. There is still something wrong with the ARM code ...
  25. Thanks for your help... Arm is not easy, and it does not seem to have become easier with arm64. Floats and doubles are killing me. The rest is easier ... I am now making my own Unity program to test on.
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