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Everything posted by Teito

  1. @Xaviesz Noted. Thanks for the explanation @Count_Nosferatu Sad life indeed
  2. I see. Can anyone in this forum help me with this problem. Any recommendations for softwares that allow me to change value over limit?
  3. I see. So is it impossible to get value over limit with jus GG? Do I need to use other applications to change value in games like those?
  4. I tried entering 2,147,483,648 (0x80000000) But i get - 2,147,483,648 / 2 = - 1,073,741,824 When I entered 2,147,483,647 the game crashed This game doesnt accept odd number value. Alwasy crash somehow
  5. Any luck with this problem?
  6. https://gameforge.com/en-US/littlegames/ninja-dragon/ I think i found this game score value But everytime i change the value, it always reset Reseting dont work either Please help
  7. The game link is this https://www.y8.com/games/5_fruit I can only manipulate the score up to Dword 2147483646 = Score 1,073,741,823 But you can get the Score to 2147483646 if you play normally.
  8. I tried editing the value below it as you said it seems 3 addresses below and 1 address above are linked to the Dword value They behave the same. I can't input value above certain limit For Dword, If i type 2147483648 it becomes -2147483646 For Byte, If i type 128 it becomes -126 When Dword value is above 2147483646 = 1,073,741,823 game score, all 5 address becomes randomized Additional Info - The game accept only even numbers, it crashes whenever i enter odd value in Dword - The game score is like Halved of Dword. Score 100 = 200 Dword value - The game score can become highest up to 2147483646 but ramdomized Dword, Byte value
  9. Whenver i tried to change value over a certain limit, the game register as negative value The game register Dword value up to 2147483646 Beyond that the value becomes ramdomized When i tried to input value greater than 2147483646 the game register it as negative value How do get the score over limit
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