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  1. There is a way to hook via gg Here's an example you can modify based on your desired function function O_dinitial_search(class) gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_OTHER); gg.searchNumber(":" .. class, gg.TYPE_BYTE); count = gg.getResultsCount(); if (count == 0) then else Refiner = gg.getResults(1); gg.refineNumber(Refiner[1].value, gg.TYPE_BYTE); count = gg.getResultsCount(); val = gg.getResults(count); gg.addListItems(val); end end function CA_pointer_search() gg.clearResults(); gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_C_ALLOC); gg.loadResults(gg.getListItems()); gg.searchPointer(0); count = gg.getResultsCount(); vel = gg.getResults(count); gg.clearList(); gg.addListItems(vel); end function CA_apply_offset() tanker = 0xfffffffffffffff0 local copy = false local l = gg.getListItems() if not copy then gg.removeListItems(l) end for i, v in ipairs(l) do v.address = v.address + tanker if copy then v.name = v.name..' #2' end end gg.addListItems(l) end function A_base_value() gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_ANONYMOUS); gg.loadResults(gg.getListItems()); gg.clearList(); gg.searchPointer(0); count = gg.getResultsCount(); tel = gg.getResults(count); gg.addListItems(tel); end function A_base_accuracy() gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_ANONYMOUS | gg.REGION_C_ALLOC) gg.loadResults(gg.getListItems()); gg.clearList(); gg.searchPointer(0); count = gg.getResultsCount(); kol = gg.getResults(count); i = 1; h = {}; while (i - 1) < count do h[i] = {}; h[i].address = kol[i].value; h[i].flags = 32; i = i + 1; end gg.addListItems(h); end function A_user_given_offset(_offset, type) local _offset = load("return " .. _offset)(); local old_save_list = gg.getListItems(); for i, v in ipairs(old_save_list) do v.address = v.address + _offset; v.flags = type; end gg.clearResults(); gg.loadResults(old_save_list); end function findClassPointer(class) gg.clearResults(); gg.clearList(); O_dinitial_search(class); CA_pointer_search(); CA_apply_offset(); A_base_value(); A_base_accuracy(); end function hackOffset(_offset, type, value) A_user_given_offset(_offset, type); gg.refineNumber("0~40", type); gg.getResults(99999999); gg.editAll(value, type); end hooking with class pointer via game guardian.txt
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