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  1. This app is dying guys. We'll just get more error each day as Android progresses and no fixes. It's sad that the app is getting harder install now.
  2. Hello! I'm having an error. I have x64 device and also rooted. Script ended: --------------------------------------------------------------- Script Made By XIU Follow My Telegram and YouTube For Any Update Telegram: https://t.me/xiuushan YouTube : https://youtube.com/@xiuushan --------------------------------------------------------------- Wajib menggunakan XIU GG --------------------------------------------------------------- Script error: luaj.n: [Java]:-1 bad argument #1 to 'gg.getValuesRange' (no value: table expected, got nil) level = 1, const = 9, proto = 0, upval = 5, vars = 201, code = 255 TAILCALL v0 ; PC 212 CODE 0000001E OP 30 A 0 B 0 C 0 Bx 0 sBx -131071 stack traceback: [Java]: in ? (...tail calls...) /storage/emulated/0/Download/XIU Guardian Tales v2.73.0 [x64].lua: in function </storage/emulated/0/Download/XIU Guardian Tales v2.73.0 [x64].lua:216> (...tail calls...) [Java]: in ? at luaj.ap.a(src:265) at luaj.ap.t(src:343) at android.ext.Script$getValuesRange.b(src:4194) at android.ext.Script$ApiFunction.a_(src:1393) at luaj.LuaValue.a(src:2998) at luaj.am.b(src:73) at luaj.LuaClosure.a(src:600) at luaj.LuaClosure.l(src:160) at luaj.LuaClosure.a(src:537) at luaj.LuaClosure.a(src:207) at luaj.am.b(src:73) at luaj.LuaClosure.a(src:600) at luaj.LuaClosure.l(src:160) at android.ext.Script.d(src:6056) at android.ext.Script$ScriptThread.run(src:5785)
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