That's very close to what I need. It went fine until #9. Then,
a. Installing GG led to two icons, not one. One has "SW", the other has "HW".
b. I tried "SW", + default. It said the daemon failed. Now it won't run. I keep getting the Work Mode question. When I choose "root" I get a message "You need to install a Virtual Space etc. ... [ending with] you must run the game and Game Guardian in the virtual space.". Which is back to square one, to me.
b.1. I think get a popup saying Google wants to use SID and LSID cookies to access all my Google data. I don't care for that. Must I allow?
c. I said "no". Then got what appears to be an ad, for "Front Door". It seems interminable, including a number of things already on this site. (I accepted cookies here.)
d. It never got to ## 9 - 11, at all.
Again, I thank you for your help, and apologize for being dense. Until #9, it was EXACTLY what I need.