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tauvik92 last won the day on March 18

tauvik92 had the most liked content!

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    Samsung Galaxy A12 (SM-A125F) without Root
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  1. All right. Just keep being yourself. My reasons for inviting you include. I don't explain everything in the video for the sake of future app security... and I haven't even deployed a tutorial with a 1000% working android 9 custom rom for gameguardian. Everything I do is for the sake of future game security.
  2. sorry for future security. the group link is located in the comment pin column https://youtu.be/UjSLeSNWF9A?si=MT2lDzNDguN7vlFb
  3. You are already ranked 13th on this forum. That's pretty amazing. Have you tried vmos... it will help you... I see this post has a lot of replies and it's very deserved that you won them all. I don't mind if you join my telegram group. Definitely not a fake account.
  4. Only this person I replied to... but there I did not explain that the group had been hacked. 9 months ago
  5. Some people commented on my YouTube account with this question. I will answer it here..This script was created for free without encryption... the group I created has been hacked and I have closed my facebook account... all tutorials are no longer available.
  6. Sorry I can only answer now. The group is still there do a google search GAMEGUARDIAN INDO Previously, only I could post in this group. Because I am the owner of the group. I did everything for the sake of mutual safety. But God has the best way for me. This group has been hacked and I have closed my Facebook account. So basically all the tutorials are not available.
  7. This method uses the bypass value method. "Bypass" can mean bypassing a process or procedure. For example, "bypassing security procedures" means avoiding security steps that must be followed. This method is also very useful for all online and offline games. This method cannot be explained in general, it must use video tutorials. And I don't want to mislead others... if I make a tutorial for this method... the gameguardian world won't be full of puzzles anymore. I hope you understand
  8. 6 days ago I explained it on a youtube account in the community. Someone reprimanded me there. About that facebook group issue
  9. There is only 1 group with that name on the internet. The group has been hacked...by someone else. I am the owner and creator of the group...all posts and tutorial scripts are not available...as I have closed my facebook account. since the group hack. The group was made private from the beginning. So basically I don't have access to the group there... unless I activate my facebook account. And I just become a regular member there. And that's not going to happen forever. And I hope whoever is still there, I hope they can get out of that group. Because what owns that group now are data hackers, not game hackers.
  10. solve this puzzle. if you are right. https://youtu.be/INxMlVxGqoM?si=jmXYct9CExBf2Ec4
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