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Everything posted by ButtiWWESC

  1. I've just started using GG for WWESuperCard. Are there any guides on it regarding what a safe speed is where I won't get banned or caught? Anything else I should know? I had it running at 12 but it seems that sometimes when the game finishes it won't count my points or give me any picks at all. Is there a speed cap to where I should stay at to allow myself to get the point and picks? A complete guide and how to set it up so I can click one button to slow it down to normal so I can watch the ads and then click again to make it speed hacked so it will be fast again as when I watched an ad in speed mode (x12) the ad didn't count and it just boots me off to the main menu as I guess since the speed is running it times out since it takes longer to watch the ad than the game allows before there is a reset on it. So yeah, a lot but wondering about the safe speeds and all that to be undetectable, etc, etc, etc.
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