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  1. I manage to hack the coins and diamonds. Some rewards are not hack proof.
  2. You don't get my point. Yes, every hack is useful, but this hack is worth it for a few dollars. Nowadays AAA mobile games are not easy to hack coz most of them sync back to their servers. It is actually people like you that made hackers keep their hack to themselves. Coz you don't appreciate the hackers hardwork. I myself sometime hack a game and keep it to myself to avoid people like you. Once i'm bored with the game, then I will share.
  3. It is up to the hacker if he wanted to charge or not. It is not an easy work to hack certain game. This unlimited nitro and speed hack are actually VERY USEFUL for this game. You can get alot of rewards by winning most of the events. PS, I have spent money on this game and didn't cheat, so I know why this hack will be useful for those who don't want to spend much.
  4. Very fast lol It wasn't that too obvious. I only notice the speed coz i am aware that is you. Like levelcap mentioned, you can also get beaten by a much lower rank car.
  5. Is that you? Lol
  6. Just search 900;9000 as dword or just search 9000, then do the increment change.
  7. If im not mistaken, it is 4999 and 9999
  8. You have to find it in USD. If it is 1.99, Search for 199 dword.
  9. Btw, this is what i got trying to map the currency to this.
  10. Thanks @NoFear for the great hack. Been trying to hack crystals myself but no luck. Tried remapping currencies but nothing, probably wrong pointers. Keep up the good work.
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