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Everything posted by _insidious

  1. Tried your script multiple times in multiple device but sometimes bot otputs are false, so its not guaranteed that it works + gmd id never worked
  2. i tried multiple times in multiple devices, now this output: "Script terminato: Ads Unique ID: false" now ill test it in the play services: Script terminato: Instance ID: (my id) this time worked all perfect... but in my nox, in my phone juts false, tried both google play services and still false, i mean there are results but prints: false. try instead with the uuid
  3. i executed ur code in2 different phones but search result its the same
  4. ok but whats the code for it
  5. thanks now i undrstand but is not easy to get the uuid,is there an app common for all androids where i can take that? like settings but gg disappears when i go there
  6. i just said android 12 has some limitations.. like opening root files or running shell commands
  7. Ok ty but i prefer doing by locking script to a device
  8. _insidious

    HWID Lock Script?

    i just wanted to my script its locked to a device, i found a topic where was needed to grab mac address from root files, But its not possible anymore due to android 12 and up resctrictions, Not even shell commands. doing it with ip address its useless because its dynamic, i just need a way to do thisz the only problem is to take unique data from devices like imei as example.
  9. storing another file is the most useless thing to even suggest, i need the script will get autodestroyed after use
  10. i wanna make that my script works only one time so at exit the script will be autodestroyed is it possible?
  11. i know right and i already fixed, it was pastebin limitation, thx anyway
  12. i just pasted some things but after a while still saying error: "unprocessable entity" i did not touch the script, any fix?
  13. thanks everything worked parefectly
  14. i tried this code but wont work idk why am i doing something wrong? i pasted my key without any error.. ( i ofc gave perms to internet) it says error, not any syntax error function publishToPastebin(data, dev_key) local url = "https://pastebin.com/api/api_post.php" local body = "api_dev_key=" .. dev_key .. "&api_option=paste&api_paste_private=1&api_paste_name=My Private Paste&api_paste_code=" .. data local headers = { ["Content-Type"] = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" } local response = gg.makeRequest(url, { method = "POST", body = body, headers = headers }) if response and response.status == 200 then local paste_url = response.body gg.alert("Your pastebin has benn published URL: " .. paste_url) else gg.alert("Error.") end end local dev_key = "MY API KEY" -- data to publish local data = "test" -- Publish Pastebin publishToPastebin(data, dev_key)
  15. i was wondering how to make gg.makeRequest posts a message in a paste site like pastebin as example.
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