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Everything posted by tobiashkansson

  1. Step 1: Search this value first 8CAE1414h;6F736572h Step 2: Now find this value -1934748652 Change 10 to 40 in codes.
  2. Still working for me after update
  3. Ophthacerapsis: -676392169 Secodontognathus: -2017173346 Tyrannolophosaur: 1,342,369,609
  4. Yuxisaurus = -176,360,013 Scelidosaurus = -1,165,376,541 Stegouros = 1,191,790,010 Homalocephale = -2,046,750,789
  5. BARRACUDASAURUS = -388,063,063
  6. Commemorative Bell: 1949226078 8th Anniversary: 697900031
  7. Koreanosaurus = -1,035,047,909 Australotitan = 289,889,214
  8. CEARADACTYLUS: -1478277405 GORONYOSAURUS : 1,686,906,272
  9. The Big One = -568,645,282 Sinosauropteryx = -271,362,589
  10. Beta: 188,668,218 Rexy: 1,019,074,437
  11. Toujiangosaurus: -821387451
  12. The Big One = -568,645,282 Rinchenia: -49765994
  13. I tried the codes in visitor mode & didnt work but worked in normal game, thank you very much once again :))
  14. DREADNOUGTHUS: -802745447
  15. Meiolania: -2,133,883,974 Meiolania: -2,133,883,974
  16. Need to update game for these dinos to work.
  17. I know how to make unreleased dinos but do you know how to find certain dino id? I dont understand how to do it. If yes, can you make a video? Thanks.
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