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tobiashkansson last won the day on January 4

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  1. Yeah its back Kaprodacthylus: -1078620487
  2. Little Eatie = -1,112,746,156 Big Eatie = 1,891,732,937 Ceratosaurus Gen 2 = -915,084,322
  3. Becklespinax/Blondie = 96,331,977 Leucistic Baryonyx = 1,243,809,399 Draco Lux = -1,841,717,071 Megalocevia = -214,093,024 Dracorex Gen 2 = 1,884,742,183
  4. Commemorative Bell: 1949226078 Angel and Rebel: 658105486 8th Anniversary: 697900031 Amber Motorcycle: -1195596305 30th Anniversary Topiary: 768852875 Gazebo: -1840664448 Rexy Visitor's Center: -1997164477 Dino of the Deep Ride: 1740305612 Heat Nightclub: -845512984
  5. 53. Anurognathus = 2,128,082,195 53. Compsovenator = 1,015,311,692 54. Masiakasaurus = 1,995,274,011 55. Delta = 1,631,523,813 56. Dracovenator = -516,562,060
  6. Scorpius Rex Gen 2 = -708,142,142 The Spino = -858,940,349
  7. Red = -1,678,996,102 Diabloceratops = 1,086,178,365 Charlie = -1,587,119,046
  8. Theres litterly a description in previous pages how to do it... just search...
  9. Quetzalcoatlus Gen 2 = 469,338,137 Borealopelta = 1,709,198,154
  10. Ok... then I know til next time
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