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  1. How do I kick everyone from the server or shut down the server directly with mod menu? I've seen a mod menu that can do this. How can I do this?
  2. Sure I patched the "CloseConnection" and "LeaveRoom" Offsets inside the dump file with the NOP Patch. This was easy as my game doesn't have much security.
  3. Can I not make myself a host by patching the game? With Dump.cs offsets
  4. The code in the game is taking too long. How do I use these field offsets in the lgl menu?
  5. I found the value, but it finds it very slowly. How can I do this quickly?
  6. Add to Game guardian search list In short, how can I find the offset of that value
  7. This class and field offset How can I call them up fastly in Game Guardian? I was able to do this using the field offset finder V3 script, but it takes minutes to fetch value. How do I do this fast?
  8. Oh, I forgot to mention, the offsets I sent belong to the game called gorebox, simple sandbox 2 is a difficult game to hack as you said I switched to gorebox as a starter because it contains no anti-cheat
  9. I put the code you gave me into a lua, I entered the game with Game Guardian and started the script The script worked properly No errors But it still didn't work because it kicked from the server Sorry for my bad english
  10. I tried, it happened as you said. Game didn't write any kick text, game said server error when I kicked. Apparently the game is kicking directly from the server
  11. Can I patch the offset with game guardian without using arm nop patch? By changing the value
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