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    Redmi note 9 pro max

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  1. Yup, same goes for health values.
  2. Script does work on few levels, for another levels game crashes right before you hit the finish line.
  3. Master, please teach me ..... Am begging you.
  4. Can i make a script out of this or i have to do it manually each and every time ?
  5. Yeah, but i cant make a script because of this error. Thats the whole purpose of this question
  6. I am playing a game called MINIMAL ESCAPE, i have found the value of lives which was encrypted. When i try to find the value via group search and 2 values pops out, one of them is actual value and another one crashes the game if changed or freezed. I have tried different combinations to find only the desired one but nothing is working. I hope someone can help me out here .
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