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  1. Did you post it in this thread? I can't find it.
  2. Does your script still work with the current Day R version? Could I get a copy of it please?
  3. No worries. Thank you all the same!
  4. Thank you so much for taking the time to explain this to me. It's a lot for me to digest, but I will do my best. I'm a bit embarrass to say this but I'm still stuck at getting GG to work. I'm currently using Bluestack and I tried to follow all the guides on this website to get GG to work, but have not succeeded. Perhaps you could point me at the right direction on where I could find better instructions. Much appreciate it!
  5. For someone who has zero experience in using hacks, where would you recommend I start? Now that my account got soft banned, I figure I should learn to hack a bit to add resources/items that are no longer accessible to me or difficult to obtain without player trading.
  6. Are the items from this event even worth duping?
  7. Darn. Hopefully someone can figure out a way to fix it in the future. I know it's mostly my fault, but it's still very sad to see all my time and effort wasted. Even though I can still play, but it just feels different. No more motivation to play anymore.
  8. I think I got soft banned. Is there a way to fix it?
  9. What's it like to be banned? I can log into my character, but I cannot chat and whenever I tried to send a package to another player I get the message "No access to server. Check you Internet connection". The game has been having server issue recently, so I don't know if I am banned or just having server issue.
  10. Can titanium save you from online ban?
  11. What is the difference between server ban and device ban? Aren't they the same thing? Your account is gone and cannot be recovered right, especially if it is online?
  12. That's not a ban. It's a common connectivity issue with the server. Just restart your game and it should resolve the issue. Many players experienced this issue.
  13. Sorry to hear that. What kind of cheats were you using a week or two before you got banned?
  14. How long have you been duping? Based on my observations, I think there are two ways for you to get banned. First, you get reported. This forces the Devs to investigate into your account. Banned. Second, you mess up on hacking/duping that triggered their auto cheat detection system. Banned. I looked into their company profile, they are a really small company with less than 20 staffs. I seriously doubt they have the manpower to run routine hacking/duping checks on all players/items. Most of the vets I heard of who got banned were usually the really vocal ones. They were always involved in large trades and bragged about how much stuff they have.
  15. Sorry newbie question, what is the drop freeze pickup method?
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