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Everything posted by Sami1982

  1. Got excited too soon Lol. I did it wrong. Still trying to get the hang of it. By the way, why did you refine "0" in your group search? If it had any value or purpose shouldn't I be able to "go to pointer" or "pointer search" it? I get nowhere with it.
  2. I got it first try! Got a group search that gives me 5 pointer results every time and one of them always works. But I'm a bit hazy on the "gg.searchPointer(0)" part. What exactly do I need to do? I am looking at your script and you executed 3 pointer searches. But where does the script show what it's doing to grab that single health value? Like what is the syntax or command that is performing this function? Is it this? address = v.address - 0x4, flags = gg.TYPE_FLOAT
  3. Thanks again for all your help and precious efforts. This information is extremely valuable. I will try my best to apply this knowledge. You are awesome dude
  4. You are a genius man. It worked! But the sad part is that I have no idea how you did it and I would've loved to be able to learn how to do it myself. Looking at your script nothing makes sense to me as to how you came up with that group search or even how the pointer search is working FYI I've reached my maximum posts for today. So if you reply to me and I can't reply until tomorrow you know why lol
  5. Sorry this may have been an oversight on my part.....I just now re-confirmed this, and with all regions enabled, the 327,684D;22D;28D;0D;33,554,931D::65 search yields the following restuls: But again none of the negative values around those results are the correct ones
  6. Okay, whether I search with or without the pause menu visible doesn't seem to have any bearing on whether or not I find results. The only thing that seems to determine whether or not I get results is what group size I use. If I use ::13 I get nothing (again with or without the pause menu visible) for both the 256 and 257. Whereas if I use ::65536 I get thousands of results for the 257 and 5 to 7 results for the 256. I did a "goto" on all 7 results and randomly messed with the nearby negative values but unfortunately none were the correct health value. The funny thing is that having the "autopause game" setting in GG on "no" VS "yes" seems to make no difference at all. While actively in a mission, if you tap on GG's icon, you can perform your search without the pause menu visible regardless of what the setting says. If you want to perform the search WITH the pause menu visible all you have to do is tap on the X of GG's upper right corner and you'll immediately be brought to the pause menu and then you can tap on GG's icon again to perform your search with the pause menu visible. Way ahead of you Lol. Had already done it on my own but forgot to mention it EDIT: Sorry this may have been an oversight on my part.....I just now re-confirmed this, and with all regions enabled, the 327,684D;22D;28D;0D;33,554,931D::65 search yields the following restuls: But again none of the negative values around those results are the correct ones
  7. Okay the search of 257;1.0F::13 in the video worked but refining to 256;1.0F::13 produced no results for me. But this search didn't produce any results at all. And on top of that also try this group search, its in region A, Ca or Cb...ranges changes at restart... could also be ranges Other actually: 327,684D;22D;28D;0D;33,554,931D::65 Do I need to be in the same mission as you?
  8. Thanks for replying. I just tried this but did not succeed, unfortunately
  9. Okay those screenshots look like a foreign language to me LOL. Is this DNS spy or something?
  10. Wow, that's really awesome to hear! Being offline, the modded APK has the possibility to hack the gold so that I can instantly unlock any weapon without risking a ban. With the latest version, it takes a long time to collect gold to unlock weapons. I've already gradually unlocked all these weapons over the years legitimately using my good account and I don't want to risk a ban if I use GG.
  11. Gladly! I've attached them. I was confused because you said "xor" but your screenshot was offset (or at least I felt that it was lol), so I took a screenshot of both just to be safe.
  12. No, you don't need to increase your health with a medkit. You can decrease your health too if you want and it works as long as you don't die before you reach 10 or less values. But obviously if you're about to die and you still have a ton of results then you would naturally need to increase your health to be able to continue filtering for the correct value. By the way when taking damage, the value sometimes increases even though it should logically decrease and the opposite is true. As such I only execute a "changed" scan. Sometimes it gets glitchy and the only way I can find it is with an unknown search as you did. You don't need to use -9,999,999.0. You can simply freeze it. No, I don't always get a high health when editing to -9,999,999.0. Sometimes it randomly changes to 1 for me too as it did with you, in which case I simply just change it to -0.5 and that gives a high health. And yes the pointers are at the same distance from the health value for me too. Yeah unfortunately I had a feeling this would be the case. After my original post, the more I explored and the deeper I dug, the more evident it became to me that this wasn't going to be easily done through GG, if even at all possible. I truly do appreciate your efforts and the time you have put into this to try to help me. Thanks a lot.
  13. Oops. Sorry about that. I changed it to unlisted. No thank YOU for trying to help me.
  14. Okay the screenshot is attached. I sent you a youtube link to an unlisted video in a private message because when I tried to post the link here it wouldn't allow me to do it. Thanks
  15. Okay but the value is never the same after I restart the game. The screenshots are attached. I can also share a quick video of me finding the encrypted health value and demonstrating that it works if this helps. I just need a telegram or some other means of sharing as I tried posting a youtube link to an unlisted video here but it wouldn't allow me to do it.
  16. Thanks for trying I really appreciate the time and effort you are putting into this. I didn't try it on the latest version or using my good account because I didn't want to risk a ban. So I don't know to be honest if it only works on the version I am trying it on. The version I am trying it on is 1.5.1 and it's offline and it doesn't ask me to update. I can even turn off my internet completely and use it totally offline. If you'd like to try that version here is the link: http://www.mediafire.com/file/nt83tt2wvjom7om/dead_trigger_2_hack.rar/file All you have to do after installing it is set a new user name (it can be anything, e.g. "dead1234" for both the username and password) and allow storage permissions in the game's app settings. Thanks again
  17. Sorry I meant to reply to you with a quote, but instead I did it without a quote. Not sure if you got notified of my reply or not. But anyway, here it is: Hi, thanks for the reply. It's an old offline version of Dead Trigger 2 (version 1.5.1). Am I allowed to post a link here? If so I would link it. What I need is a way to speed up/automate finding the health value. It's encrypted and I can find it fairly easily by checking the "this value is encrypted" option and then taking damage, decrease, refine...etc. But I was hoping for a quicker way to re-find it once I restart the game so that I don't have to repeat this process all over every time I restart the game. I can't find any unique/non-changing values above or below my main value. I went all over the list of values and recorded videos and compared the values but they are always changing when the game restarts. I tried dozens of values but none of them give any results in the search once the game restarts. I also tried the offsets method, finding xor key, pointer search..... but again once the game restarts sadly nothing works. I get no results whatsoever. Is it possible the encryption key is always changing when the game restarts and as such there is no way to accomplish what I want?
  18. It's worth mentioning that you won't have tournaments with the 5playru mod and the infinite health doesn't work against Scienfist's radiation or the green toxin puddles. If you hack the health yourself with GG like I described above you can fix that. But if you're going to do it on the official version as I said you may get banned. I recommend testing with a dummy account instead of your good account but the thing is I don't know if they only ban you based on your account or some device data such as IP or mac address, in which case you won't be able to use that device (unless maybe if you factory reset it) with any account. Good luck
  19. Not likely doable as these values are all server-sided. Assuming you were able to change the values using game guardian, once you restart the game the server's verification kicks in and it overrides any changes you have made.
  20. You can just download a mod from 5playru. It has infinite health. You can even login with your own account. I've used their mods before and they have antiban. So you won't be banned. If for some reason you don't want to use the mod and you want to hack it yourself the health value is encrypted. So there's a real value which is different from the display value you see in the upper left corner. You will need to do a fuzzy search and take damage, then do a "changed" NOT a decrease because when you take damage sometimes it increases and sometimes it decreases. Then perform some other changes without taking any damage and without replenishing your health and then do a "NOT changed". And so on and so forth until you are left with about 10 or 9 values. The one you want is a negative value. You will have 2 or 3. Freeze them one at a time to find out the correct one. Keep in mind that because it's an online/server type game, you may get banned. The mod I mentioned above has some programming embedded into the apk which provides the antiban feature. So hacking it yourself with game guardian is not the same thing. It is a warning. Good luck
  21. Oh that's true. I should've known that. Now I feel stupid
  22. Sami1982

    Game is Crashing

    Have you tried restarting the game without protection? With both GG and the game open, and before searching anything and before the game crashes, just close the game and wait a couple of seconds then GG should automatically prompt you if you'd like to restart the game without protection. If that doesn't help there is a setting in GG called "prevent unload". It should be on "No (default). You can try setting it to Level 3.
  23. Sami1982


    Have you seen this one? https://gameguardian.net/forum/files/file/3184-cod-script/
  24. Though it's not a Game Guardian-related question but have you looked into iEMU and Cider?
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