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Posts posted by Sami1982

  1. Gunship Battle: Infinite HP for any or all of these 3 planes (Longinus, Gyrfalcon and F-8 Crusader) Enjoy!

    Gunship Battle: Infinite/Frozen HP for any or all of these 3 planes (Longinus, Gyrfalcon and F-8 Crusader) Your choice. Enjoy!


    Feel free to request infinite HP for any other plane and I will try to accommodate you!




  2. On 4/4/2022 at 10:59 PM, MrMikeMichael said:

    I don't want to hide the GG icon. Just want GG to exit if they press GG icon when my script is searching for a value. That way someone can't peak on the group searches I've spent so many hours to find.

    Is there anything for that?

    I guess this is what reverse engineering is all about. Arguably anything can be cracked (even the most secure obfuscation) if someone is experienced enough. If you're so worried about what you've spent hours to find, then simply don't share it. This is what anyone with a brain will tell you. And let's not forget that the developers whose game you "spent hours to hack" have already spent 10 times more hours on it than you have, and guess what....you've managed to crack it 😁 So this is a non-ending cycle

  3. On 1/4/2024 at 4:16 AM, nok1a said:

    If works test out the script:

    gg.searchNumber("327,684D;22D;28D;0D;33,554,931D::65", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
    gg.refineNumber("0", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
    print("Group search: ", gg.getResultsCount())
    local grp = gg.getResults(1)
    gg.loadResults({{address = grp[1].address + 0x4, flags = gg.TYPE_DWORD}})
    print("First Pointer search: ", gg.getResultsCount())
    print("Second Pointer search: ", gg.getResultsCount())
    local t = gg.getResults(gg.getResultsCount())
    local sensitivity = {}
    for i, v in ipairs(t) do
      sensitivity[i] = {address = v.address - 0x4, flags = gg.TYPE_FLOAT}
    sensitivity = gg.getValues(sensitivity)
    local healthPointer = {}
    for i = 1, #sensitivity do
      if sensitivity[i].value == 1.0 then
        healthPointer[i] = {address = t[i].address, flags = gg.TYPE_DWORD}
    print("Results healthPointer: ", gg.getResultsCount())
    print("Third Pointer search: ", gg.getResultsCount())
    local res = gg.getResults(1)
    local health = {[1] = {address = res[1].address + 0x4, flags = gg.TYPE_FLOAT, name = "Health"}}


    Well if we could resume from this point I would like a script that works reliably. This script you provided me does not work reliably. So I am afraid my question/issue has not yet been solved. If you'd like to continue helping I would love that. If not, then no worries I understand.

  4. 32 minutes ago, Sami1982 said:

    I think I can live with the following workaround:  I edited the script to stop right where it gives the final pointer results and I can just easily edit the value i need myself and whichever one fails, I'll simply know it's the other one that works. Not too s3xy but it'll do for my abilities lol


    EDIT: FYI sometimes it even gives 4 results

    Ok never mind. Even this workaround doesn't work. I think I've reached the limits of how far I'm willing to go on this. Turns out it's not nearly as half as simple as I assumed it might be. Thanks anyway for all your help.

  5. 31 minutes ago, Sami1982 said:

    Okay wait I think I figured out the problem.....


    No, not this group search.  I had found another one using Anonymous only and I found the pointers and wrote the script and everything and that one was randomly changing.  But going back to the above group search, this one seems truly static but the very last step of the script, when the health value is one more pointer search away and we can just add the 4 bytes and done, it normally gives only 1 result for that last pointer search, but every now and then (totally random, it could be after 2 restarts or after 5) it throws 2 results instead of 1 for that last pointer search

    I think I can live with the following workaround:  I edited the script to stop right where it gives the final pointer results and I can just easily edit the value i need myself and whichever one fails, I'll simply know it's the other one that works. Not too s3xy but it'll do for my abilities lol


    EDIT: FYI sometimes it even gives 4 results

  6. 19 minutes ago, nok1a said:

    Oke so you tried to do the group search manually and after restarting of the game that group search done manually doesn't work.

    Okay wait I think I figured out the problem.....


    23 minutes ago, nok1a said:

    The group search -1,049,624,576A;1,092,616,192A;1,082,130,432A;1,056,964,608A;1,062,333,317A::73 ?

    No, not this group search.  I had found another one using Anonymous only and I found the pointers and wrote the script and everything and that one was randomly changing.  But going back to the above group search, this one seems truly static but the very last step of the script, when the health value is one more pointer search away and we can just add the 4 bytes and done, it normally gives only 1 result for that last pointer search, but every now and then (totally random, it could be after 2 restarts or after 5) it throws 2 results instead of 1 for that last pointer search

  7. 2 minutes ago, nok1a said:

    You will always do that if you not try to use the print() function to resolve the possible issue. Which is really not much of work since you already now how to find the value and how the script is made.

    Let's forget about the script and exclude it. So no need for the print() function.  Let's say I want to manually run a group search without a script every time I restart the game. The group search is not static. What good will the print() function do now?

  8. 22 minutes ago, nok1a said:

    It's not a 100% rule. I only said that using two devices can confirm the possibility that the group search is static. But im not sure if they really randomly change. That's a huge assumption. You could only be sure after first checking how the scripts behave and which addresses it gives you and performs actions on using the print() function before claiming the values change.

    Well I'm not even executing the script at this point. All I am doing is manually finding the health value again, and repeating my steps to arrive at the block of numbers that I saw how a moment ago they were identical with the same distance on both devices, but now they aren't identical anymore.  What is that called other than "randomly changing"? 

  9. 6 hours ago, nok1a said:

    I guess it all comes down to finding patterns in anything and use some logic with it based on the knowledge you have of that something. I mean, if your gold is 20 and on another device the gold is 20 to. Then i guess that on both devices there is a number 20 in memory...so something is same on both devices. I mean this pattern makes sense i guess if you do not know about encryption yet. But even with knowing it i think it's a logical thing.

    Okay even with my latest script (which is only using the Anonymous region) it still fails randomly and I think I know why.  Despite having the same values (static ones)  at the same distance on both devices, they sometimes randomly change. So I guess having them on 2 devices isn't a hard and fast rule that they are static, unless it's just the case with this game 🙃

  10. 2 hours ago, nok1a said:

    Take the time and play around with it. At some point it will make sense.
    And use the print() function see what your script is doing. Like that you don't need to guess or assume.

    I sure will my friend.


    2 hours ago, nok1a said:

    i hope it helped

    You have done BEYOND helped lol.  The amount of knowledge you fed me is absolutely phenomenal. Do you know that the small, basic piece of advice about "using 2 devices simultaneously" is something I had not seen in any place (forum or youtube tutorial) before?? I didn't realize that if you see the same value on 2 devices simultaneously this means it's static and you can rest assured that when you search for it after you restart the game you will find it. So simple yet brilliant.  Unless it was so obvious and everybody knew it except me and I'm such a noob lol.  Also I used to be scared of something called "pointers" but after your lesson and your method of simplifying and clarifying I am not scared anymore. 

  11. 2 hours ago, nok1a said:

    If your not finding the group search it means your using the wrong range to search in.

    Well, when the script doesn't work have you tried testing at which part it stopped working?

    I just managed to find a working group search in Anonymous only region. Went blind and spent hours to find it....and some more blindness and some more hours to figure out how to script it, but the end result and the reward and sense of accomplishment is more than worth it!  Couldn't have done it without your help. Let's just hope it's reliable because I've only tested with 2 restarts of the game so far Lol.

  12. 57 minutes ago, Sami1982 said:

    Okay but I have done some extensive testing and even when I specify only 1 region the script randomly fails to provide the correct health address.  If I close and re-open the game let's say 5 times in a row for example, one of those times will fail.  This kills all the fun if every time  I open the game I have to cross my fingers and pray and hope that it works LOL.  

    Actually sorry let me rephrase that. I am not able to find a working group search if I specify only 1 region. So I guess I am out of luck then. Oh well it's better than nothing. 😛

  13. 5 minutes ago, nok1a said:

    Well, pointerSearch(0) is not that lazy. But pointerSearch(500) with ridiculous big offsets is for sure lazy.

    Okay but I have done some extensive testing and even when I specify only 1 region the script randomly fails to provide the correct health address.  If I close and re-open the game let's say 5 times in a row for example, one of those times will fail.  This kills all the fun if every time  I open the game I have to cross my fingers and pray and hope that it works LOL.  

  14. 1 hour ago, nok1a said:

    Probably because there was more then 1 result with a matching 1.0 float value to filter on. And that probably happened because of having no accurate memory ranges. I can't be 100% sure because i haven't encountered the issue yet.

    Yes, your pointer was in region anonymous. So if you know that only specify the pointer search to be in region anonymous. Do that before the results are loaded in the result list.

    Okay but just to clarify...I want to make sure I understand something....why did you specify 3 regions in your script?  Isn't it okay if the pointer is in any of those 3 regions?

  15. 1 hour ago, nok1a said:

    Probably because there was more then 1 result with a matching 1.0 float value to filter on. And that probably happened because of having no accurate memory ranges. I can't be 100% sure because i haven't encountered the issue yet.

    Yes, your pointer was in region anonymous. So if you know that only specify the pointer search to be in region anonymous. Do that before the results are loaded in the result list.

    Okay, got it. Thanks again for all your help.

  16. On 1/6/2024 at 11:56 PM, mismosol said:

    This still doesn't work, tried with everything, but game crashes anyway. 


    Try installing magisk delta with magisk hide and universal safetynet fix 

  17. 20 hours ago, nok1a said:

    I could. To be honest i have no idea about your understanding of GG Lua scripting. But you should learn it. You would get basics quickly for write a GG script and it's user friendly.

    Can you send the script you currently have.

    Sorry for the late response. Not sure if you saw but I edited my last post last night to inform you that I've reached my maximum number of posts for yesterday.  This restriction in the forum is so annoying by the way lol.  Anyhow, it  finally worked when you gave me this line:

    healthPointer[i] = {address = t[i].address + 0x18, flags = gg.TYPE_DWORD}

    The reason I was gettin an error was because silly me (due to being so late into the night and my eyes had turned into rocks and my brain had frozen lol)  I had a "multiplied by" sign in 0x18 which also looks like the letter X LOL.

    Also, I know how to write basic scripts but coding pertaining to pointers and offsets in a script is something new to me. But I will try to learn it. You have been wonderful about all of this and I will never forget what you taught me and the favors you did for me

    But you never answered those 2 questions for me:

    1) Even your script randomly fails sometimes (i.e. it doesn't give the correct address). Why? Is it normal to happen once in a while?

    2) When you said "That's why specify the regions as accurate as possible in which you want find the pointers in in or it will already bring issues"

    Why did I run into this issue?  I simply chose the same 3 regions that you had in your script. I chose them in both the emulator and my phone.

  18. 16 minutes ago, nok1a said:

    Oke i understand, so the problem here is the scripting.

    I can't explain scripting that well compared to other members in the forum. But you should start by running the print() function to print out your tables and have some understanding of what the script is doing. Use --[[ ]] to ignore most of your code and let GG does it thing line by line. Start with doing the group search, then refine and then store the results in a new table named "t" and print it out...something like this.

    local t = gg.getResults(10)

    Then analyze what GG respond. Make sure GG ignores the rest of the code by placing it as a comment:

    Also check in the GG scripting documentation what it is that you writted


    Oh maaaan I was so close to finishing this script lol.  Could you please please just fix it for me like you did yesterday and make me happy    😁It's just one small piece left. 

    By the way I've reached my maximum posts for today. I will send you the script tomorrow. Thanks again

  19. 2 minutes ago, nok1a said:

    I am not sure if this makes sense?


    Yes I understand what you mean by offsets 0x4, 0x8, 0xc, 0x10....etc but I don't know how to write it out in the script. Like the syntax and where it should go.

    Also alot of points are getting skipped (lost in translation lol)....So I will write everything here one shot....

    1) Your script randomly fails sometimes (i.e. it doesn't give the correct address). Why? Is it normal to happen once in a while?

    2) When you said "That's why specify the regions as accurate as possible in which you want find the pointers in in or it will already bring issues"


    Why did I run into this issue?  I simply chose the same 3 regions that you had in your script. I chose them in both the emulator and my phone. 


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