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  1. Not all IDs are the same with the image. For example, polar_armor_I and polar_armor_II share the same image. gift4.png is used for snowman_gift, gift2020 and gift2021 share the same image, gift5.png, while gift2.png is used for gift_trade_ny2021
  2. Can you provide screenshot or video. The mechanics of the script are: 1. You drop or pick one item. Then the script will search its value. 2. You drop or pick another unit of the same item. The script will refine the search and find one value. 3. If you choose 'Just dupe', your item will be duplicated to the amount you write in the input. 4. If you choose 'Just swap', your item (2 units) will be swapped with the one you choose. 5. If you choose 'Swap an Dupes', your item will be duplicated and swap to the ones you want. You can swap to coins (such as Halloween coins), but you may not be able to pick them up
  3. I just found out that actually I can make the value negative, so instead of losing caps, I got more. I got like 3000 caps per day. I don't play online though, so I don't know if it's safe to do that on online mode.
  4. View File Day R Survival Duplication and Swapping Item About This File This script comes with three options: 1. Duplicating items 2. Swapping items (with more than 1000 items choice) 3. Weapon Damage Just drop/pick easily found items like Bottled water and swap them into more valuable or even rare items. Ice Video 20221129-034247-1(1).mp4 Submitter revelationes Submitted 11/08/2022 Category LUA scripts  
  5. Version 3.0.1


    About This File This script comes with three options: 1. Duplicating items 2. Swapping items (with more than 1000 items choice) 3. Weapon Damage Just drop/pick easily found items like Bottled water and swap them into more valuable or even rare items. Ice Video 20221129-034247-1(1).mp4
  6. Around the time when Sendul found the simplest way of duplicating (here), it was entirely harmless to duplicate items. I could duplicate to my hearts content. Perhaps the only limit is the limit of the data type itself. But then few months later, that method is found to be risky. I was notified when I duplicated too much item. I was greedy then. So I decided to do some experiment. If I could pick up freely items form searching, why can't I pick up items laying on the ground? But then it was not about dropping or picking, but about changing of value. From Sendul's method, I know that 0.08 and 0.06 (both DOUBLE) corresponds to 2 and one. So, its easy to guess value for 3, 4, 5, etc. And, I checked them by picking one by one and looked at its value on GG. Then, when I had 9 items (0.22 in DOUBLE) and pick another, the value became 0.039. The pattern changed. There was another value that changed but I didn't notice then. So I find what Sraksis has found before (here). Since then I duplicated items with more careful (but still greedy) method: only duplicate to the highest number of that digit. From 2 duplicate into 9; from 9 pick one item into 10; from 10 duplicate into 99; from 99 pick one item into 100; from 100 duplicate into 999, etc. Later, I know that this is can be done by not only changing the value of the amount but also the order, as pointed by die440. When I have 9 and pick one, the order is also changed automatically. SO in conclusion, there are two method of duplicating without getting notified or banned (except by being reported): 1. Duplicate onlly to the highest number of that digit, and then drop/pick up to increase digit. 2. By changing the DOUBLEs correspond to the amount and the order. The amount --> ######A0 0.08D The order --> ######B0 2.0D If we want for example 7500 units, then change that number into 0.37525D and 5.0D.
  7. I think, this will likely happen when we decompile a lua script, the variables and constants are replaced by simpler ones. Luckily some strings are still intact. LOL, Few days ago I did the same, managed to extract resource.car and decompile lua files inside, only to satisfy my curiosity, looking for items' ID and add them to my inventory, knowing that swapping items work. And I found at least 1083 ID for items.
  8. Hello, I am new in LUA scripting. I am trying to make a while do loop for gg.alert. Something like this: R2 = 1 while R2 == 1 do local R2 = gg.alert('Do action!','Wait', 'Done') gg.sleep(1000) end R1_3(). So if user choose 'Wait', he will be given time to do the action and the dialog will appear again, until he choose 'Done'. But every time I choose 'Done' (choice 2), the script loop back to the dialog. Please advise and TIA.
  9. I don't know if this one would help but it's worth trying. The game save your data in at least two savefiles. For gamesave with single profile, they are called data1 and data1_backup. If the data1 is corrupted, the game will load data1_backup. So my suggestion is to deliberately corrupt the data1 (which gets you banned) and force the game to load data1_backup. One way to do this is with titanium backup, even if you haven't back up your game prior of getting banned. 1. Back up your game (Day R) 2. Copy the Back up file into PC (it is under Titanium Backup Folder) 3. Extract the file (com.gm_shaber.dayr-...........tar.gz) 4. Look under data/data/com.gm_shaber.dayr/app_data. There are at least two files named data1 and data1_backup. There could be more if you have more than 1 profile. 5. Edit data1 with notepad. Just change one or two lines. Save it. 6. Archive the folder (data) with 7zip into a tar file. And once again archive it into gz file. 7. Copy the archive into Titanium Backup Folder and rename it with the same name as the back up file (com.gm_shaber.dayr-...........tar.gz). 8. Go to titanium back up and choose restore data only. 9. Pray and hope the game will read your corrupted data1 and load data1_backup instead. I assume this method work only immediately after getting banned. If after getting banned you still continue playing, maybe your data1_backup contains data after and not before getting banned. Good luck
  10. Sorry, I meant 19D;1,768,448,865D;1,835,365,989D;1,601,465,957D;1,818,457,454D:25
  11. Name: Bomb statuette string ID: achievement_nuclear Query: 19D;1,768,448,865D;1,835,365,9891,60D;1,465,957D;1,818,457,454D:25
  12. Actualy It is. Name: Icebreaker figurine string ID: achievement_ledokol Query: 19D:1,768,448,865D:1,835,365,989D;1,601,465,957D;1,868,850,540D:25
  13. Working on it. But still incomplete. I have to check which ID is not working anymore. Feel free to take a sneak peek. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1HCIzfll06l2ero9CgHa-iewG23hwr3nTu-h9kh0Ulz4
  14. https://hexed.it/ is a great online tool to do this. When you write emerald_spoon backward, and highlight the letter 'r', you can see 1919249765 in the 32-bit integer (Data Inspector - Big Endian). When you highlight the letter '_', you can see the number 1600416865, etc.
  15. You're welcome. Anyway, I came across this when I read JeromeGG's post. So all credit to him.
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