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Everything posted by JeromeGG

  1. Yes Right Now I'm planning to make script but she not finish
  2. Save him Dword Find your item to replace him from polar armor
  3. Polar armor level 2 0D;0D;13D;0D;1,634,496,368D;1,918,984,050D;1,601,335,149D;13D;0D;1,634,496,368D;1,918,984,050D;1,601,335,149D;51D::85
  4. Hmm what level you need
  5. Code for nail 0D;0D;7,640,383D;4D;0D;1,818,845,550D:25 This tutorial how to swap nail item Record_2022-10-25-15-31-04_360x760.mp4
  6. Correction string name not string time
  7. Use TEXT UTF-8 search your string time name
  8. For level Pets And Players searchNumber:: 0.5 EditAll 1 My Tips 300 results Because this code 0.5 she have a lot results
  9. searchNumber:: 1;2;3;5;10;20;30;50:: EditAll: 999999999
  10. Easy Hack Currency
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