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Everything posted by DroidMods

  1. Thanks. Did you make the script? And do you have any links so I can make a video for my channel.
  2. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://x8sb.com/&ved=2ahUKEwjCoOeq-sj6AhXPBzQIHSezC1oQFnoECA8QAQ&usg=AOvVaw16AQrnPXUy_zO6wtoapN2y
  3. I tried it twice and can't get it to work. Do you know how or where I would activate it. I'm doing it in game. Any suggestions?
  4. Yes to both of you. I'm trying to make it so if I "crash" into another car it doesn't do anything. Or even make it so I go through them.
  5. I've been experimenting with Traffic Rider and i can get my speed up to max but then all the other cars become a problem. I've been searching for help trying to find the collision for the other vehicles or even the players collision. I'm not sure if I can do it with game guardian or if it would be in the game files. Any help or suggestions would be great.
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