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  1. @MC874 Do you have any idea about this problem?
  2. I have activated several modules from xposed/lsposed and in magisk "fake prop" but the protection detection from liapp still displays the notification "virtual phone" is there a solution to avoid this detection in a virtual machine installed on android? here I show the module and the detection notification
  3. local menu = gg.multiChoice(val,nil,"") if menu == nil then os.exit() -- user clicked 'cancel' end local index = 0 while menu[index] ~= true do index = index + 1 if index > #menu then os.exit() -- no checkboxes selected end end for i,v in pairs(menu) do print(val[index]) --test with print end I have changed this, it works but there is still an error when selecting the selected value only responds to the above and the rest the values do not match but follow the top one selected first, can you change this which I have changed a bit?
  4. @HorridModz pretty good no error but this only works for 1 option (like gg.choice), for example using gg.alert and select 2-4 values but gg.alert only responds to 1 value above it and does not respond to other values that are selected, can it be improved again? because I want to try to put the selected value more than 1 into the list item
  5. @HorridModz This is the video I meant, it took a long time to load sorry if the video quality is not good
  6. after I tried it with one of the values the loading took a long time, can you fixed it again?
  7. tar = gg.getResults(gg.getResultCount()) val = {} for i, v in ipairs(tar) do table.insert(val,v.value) end local menu = gg.multiChoice(val,nil,"") if not menu then os.exit() end if menu[val] == true then gg.refineNumber(menu[val],4) end when I try it doesn't respond to refine please help
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