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  1. read the title its for that version specifically
  2. I know. I tested it in the new version they have some kind of ptrace detection which causes that. I changed the arm converter anyways so it works now. It was due to arm converter
  3. it does. go on pixel gun 22.6.0 and enable xa: code app region in gameguardian settings
  4. works on android 7 emulator for me cause i made it for this version
  5. btw probably doesnt work on android 9 emulator
  6. dunno cause it does work for me and its not only me thats saying that
  7. Very cool. I suggest u add the feature to edit the last edited value to get coins and vip from sets. So in sets u can edit to 0 and when the last roll is vip or coins you can edit to high value and get coins or vip
  8. Just wait in the lobby for 5 mins or longer. Basically I mean interact with the game, claim rewards and buy stuff
  9. Stay in the lobby for ~5 mins
  10. select process before you run the script yes
  11. idk cause 2 people have already told me that it works fine just a little buggy
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