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Files posted by XEKEX

  1. Mythic Summon Stats

    Attack,  HP,  Speed,  Dodge, Crit, Armor and Resist Multiplier ALL HEROS

    Test : X32 & rooted device
    if it doesn't work on your device edit the script!

    Don't Share it So they won't patch it , I won't Update it either.



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  2. Pure Lua library

    import this lib to your script : 
    • setup ! 
    XEK = nil load_lib = gg.makeRequest('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/chihaamin/XEKEX/main/xLIB.lua') if load_lib.code == 200 then -- check the status of the request  XEK = load(load_lib.content,'bt')() end
    • Comment if you find a bug / error or if you have Idea for implementation.
    • All the file is documented and commented for beginners.
    ♥ Add "XEKEX was here" in your script if it was helful 🙂 
    IMPORT : 
    JSON = XEK.import('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rxi/json.lua/master/json.lua') -- this will import a lib into your script JSON.decode(response.content)

    Text2Dword : 

    -- Text2Dword function Convert a text to dword value local DWORD = XEK.Text2Dword("berry") -- Print the result print(DWORD) --> Output: '6619234;7471218;121::9'

    Dword2Text :

    -- Dword2Text function Convert a Dword value to text local sampleValue = "6619234;7471218;121" local text = XEK.Dword2Text(sampleValue) -- Print the result print(text) --> Output: 'berry'
    hex : 

    The 'hex' function takes two arguments: a value to convert to hexadecimal and a boolean 'hx' indicating whether to add '0x' or 'h' prefix to the output. --[[ If hx is true, the function returns the hexadecimal value with '0x' prefix. If hx is false, the function returns the hexadecimal value with 'h' suffix. If hx is not provided or not a boolean, the function returns the hexadecimal value without any prefix or suffix. The function uses string formatting to convert the value to hexadecimal. ]] --> Examples: --Convert decimal value to hexadecimal with '0x' prefix print(XEK.hex(255, true)) --> Output: 0xFF --Convert decimal value to hexadecimal with 'h' suffix print(XEK.hex(255, false)) --> Output: FFh --Convert decimal value to hexadecimal without any prefix or suffix print(XEK.hex(255)) --> Output: FF

    dump : 

    --[[ dump function takes a table as input and returns a string representation of the table. If the input is not a table, it returns a string representation of the input. Parameters: tab (table): the table to be dumped Returns: (string): the string representation of the table ]] --> Example usage: local myTable = {name = "John", age = 30, hobbies = {"reading", "running"}} print(XEK.Dump(myTable)) -- Output: { ["name"] = "John", ["age"] = 30, ["hobbies"] = { [1] = "reading", [2] = "running", } }
    split : 

    --split function splits a string into a table of substrings using a specified delimiter --The function takes two parameters: s, which is the string to be split, and delimiter, which is the character or string used to separate the substrings --> Example usage: local myString = "apple,banana,cherry,orange" local myTable = XEK.split(myString, ",") -- The above code will split the string "apple,banana,cherry,orange" into substrings using the comma as the delimiter and store the result in a table called myTable --The resulting table will contain the following values: myTable[1] = "apple" myTable[2] = "banana" myTable[3] = "cherry" myTable[4] = "orange"

    ARMIT fix : 
    --# Example 1: Converting an Integer to Assembly Instructions local instructions = XEK.ARMIT(123456, "int", true) --The above function call will generate assembly instructions to move the value 123456 into a register in AArch64. --> Output: instructions = { [1] = '~A8 MOVK W0, #0xE240, LSL #16', [2] = '~A8 MOVK W0, #0x0001, LSL #32', [3] = '~A8 RET', } --# Example 2: Converting a Boolean to Assembly Instructions local instructions = XEK.ARMIT(true, "bool") --The above function call will generate assembly instructions to move the value 1 (true) into a register in AArch32. --> Output: instructions = { [1] = '~A MOV R0, #0x1', [2] = '~A BX LR', } --# Example 3: Converting a Float to Assembly Instructions local instructions = XEK.ARMIT(3.14159, "f", true) --The above function call will generate assembly instructions to move the value 3.14159 into a floating point register in AArch64. --> Output: instructions = { [1] = '~A8 MOVK W0, #0x0FD0, LSL #16', [2] = '~A8 MOVK W0, #0x4049, LSL #32', [3] = '~A8 FMOV S0, W0', [4] = '~A8 RET', } --# Example 4: Converting a Double to Assembly Instructions local instructions = XEK.ARMIT(123456789.987654321, "d") --The above function call will generate assembly instructions to move the value 123456789.987654321 into a double precision floating point register in AArch32. --> Output: instructions = { [1] = '~A MOVW R0, #0x5BA8', [2] = '~A MOVT R0, #0x57F3', [3] = '~A MOVW R1, #0x6F34', [4] = '~A MOVT R1, #0x419D', [5] = '~A VMOV D0, R1, R0', [6] = '~A BX LR', }

    readBytes   |  readWord  |  readDword  |  readFloat  |  readDouble :

    local words = XEK.readWord(addr, size, ';') <-| return a string local dwords = XEK.readDword(addr, size, '-') <-| return a string local floats = XEK.readFloat(addr, size, '|') <-| return a string local doubles = XEK.readDouble(addr, size, ':') <-| return a string -- OR local words = XEK.readWord(addr, size) <-| return a table local dwords = XEK.readDword(addr, size) <-| return a table local floats = XEK.readFloat(addr, size) <-| return a table local doubles = XEK.readDouble(addr, size) <-| return a table --<< these function purpose is to read values from memory for comparison >>--

    getResults : 

    --# Example usage of getResults function and its returned table local t = XEK.getResults(10) or t = XEK.getResults() <-|-- Get 10 results or all result | you can specified parameter same as GG print(t.data[1].address) <-|-- Print the address of the first result --# Example usage of focus function t:focus() <-|-- Save original values of results table print(t.original[1]) <-|-- Print the original value of the first result --# Example usage of update function t:update(999) <-|-- Set all values in result table to 999 --# Example usage of reset function t:reset() <-|-- Reset all values in result table to their original values --# Example usage of offset function t:offset(0x8) <-|-- Add 8 to the address of each result --# Example usage of append function local t2 = XEK.getResults(5) <-|-- Get 5 more results t:append(t2) <-|-- Append t2 results to t print(#t.data) <-|-- Print the total number of results in t --# Example usage of get function t:get() <-|-- Refresh the results table --# Example usage of clear function t:clear() <-|-- Destroy the results table and clear garbage

    MakeMenu : 

    -- Create a new menu object local myMenu = XEK.MakeMenu().Menu:new({"Option 1", "Option 2", "Option 3"}) | this will add Menues -- Add a new action to the menu myMenu.actions:new(1, function() -- argument 1 is the index of menu ( option 1 function ) | index must be a number print("Option 1 was selected!") end) myMenu.actions:new(2, function() print("Option 2 was selected!") end) -- etc -- . -- . -- . -- Display the menu and wait for the user to make a selection myMenu:display() --whenever the user select a menu item it will trigger the functions inside myMenu.actions ( created with myMenu.actions:new(index, function) )


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  3. Grim Soul RPG Item Hack Script ( Final Update )

    • This will be the last script update for this game •
    (Please read "About This Update")



       (7 reviews)



  4. Dump.CS to Lua Table

    This Script will change all the Dump.cs file into new file.lua contain a lua table
    • remove void function since they act on themself or on the class and no return values
    • filter all possible function / classes for hack usage
    • ENUM not included
    • seal / protected / Abstract are filterd
    • filter system and all other dll functions
    • Work for PC and GG script
    Note : use the script on PC for faster results + the dump name MUST be "Dump.cs"
    --Script not Encoded feel free to learn 🙂


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  5. iMonster Classic Item Hack By XEKEX V

    Drop Cheat +This Hack Provide you with all maps drops/Items as u want (limited in map 1-1 ~ 1-4) --- Can Change during adventure
    Box Cheat   + Box changer (Fixed) --- Use it only after You finish the the adventure (U get the loot even if img / desc ingame doesn't change proof in screenshots)

    Please read Alerts in the Scrip they are how to use and not advertising thank you.
    if u get a problem / error comment below I'll try to quick fix


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  6. Text to Dword Search Converter

    convert text to dward search
    (for easy public const string search)

    *this tool is beta*
    *comment if any error found ty ☺*


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  7. iMonster Classic simple Item Hack By XEKEX

    In this Script
    *)Give u free Item box InGame
    *)Change the Box u get later


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