I am very new to GG and lua script.
Here is the lua script I made to change Cash or Golden Eggs from delivery box (With Ad or direct gift).
For Cash: Type the value proposed by the delivery box, with comma and magnitude (see script), for example: 23,069qd
For eggs: Type the value proposed by the delivery box, choose box that offers eggs >100 (less results)
Changed values are hard coded, it can be changed in script or new value could be asked in prompt.
-- Script generated by GameGuardian 101.1 (16142) at 2022-03-08 12:02:16 for Egg, Inc. [com.auxbrain.egginc 1.22.5 (111186)]
-- Lua help: http://gameguardian.net/help/
-- options
local scriptName = [=====[Script for Egg, Inc. 1.22.5]=====]
local scriptVersion = '1.0.0'
local scriptAuthor = 'FluidZ'
local startToast = ''
-- 0 - no check; 1 - check package only, 2 - check package and build
local checkTarget = 0
local targetName = [=====[Egg, Inc.]=====]
local targetPkg = 'com.auxbrain.egginc'
local targetVersion = [=====[1.22.5]=====]
local targetBuild = 111186
-- functions
local function isempty(s)
return s == nil or s == ''
-- init
gg.require('101.1', 16142)
if startToast ~= '' then startToast = '\n'..startToast end
gg.toast(scriptName..' v'..scriptVersion..' by '..scriptAuthor..startToast)
if checkTarget ~= 0 then
local info = gg.getTargetInfo()
local check = false
local current = false
if checkTarget >= 1 then
check = targetPkg
current = info.packageName
if checkTarget >= 2 then
check = check..' '..targetVersion..' ('..targetBuild..')'
current = current..' '..info.versionName..' ('..info.versionCode..')'
if check ~= current then
gg.alert('This script for "'..targetName..'" ['..check..'].\nYou select "'..info.label..'" ['..current..'].\nNow script exit.')
local revert = nil
local magnitudes = {
['M'] = 6,
['B'] = 9,
['T'] = 12;
['q'] = 15,
['Q'] = 18,
['s'] = 21,
['S'] = 24,
['o'] = 27,
['N'] = 30,
['d'] = 33,
['U'] = 36,
['D'] = 39,
['Td'] = 42,
['qd'] = 45,
['Qd'] = 48,
['sd'] = 51,
['Sd'] = 54,
['Od'] = 57,
['Nd'] = 60,
['V'] = 63,
['uV'] = 66,
['dV'] = 69,
['tV'] = 72,
['qV'] = 75,
['QV'] = 78,
['sV'] = 81,
['SV'] = 84,
['OV'] = 87,
['NV'] = 90,
['tT'] = 93
-- main code
local pData = gg.prompt({[1] = 'Type value to search for'}, nil, {"text"})
local new_v = 0
local sch = ''
if pData == nil then
local v, m = string.match(pData[1], "([0-9%.,]+)(%a*)")
if isempty(m) then
sch = ''..v
new_v = ''..v..'e6'
local va = v:gsub(",", "")
local ma = magnitudes[m]-3
local v_before = va-1
local v_after = va+1
local start = tostring(v_before)..'e'..tostring(ma)
local zend = tostring(v_after)..'e'..tostring(ma)
sch = ''..start..'~'..zend
new_v = '1.0e78'
gg.searchNumber(sch, gg.TYPE_DOUBLE, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1, 0)
revert = gg.getResults(100, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil)
gg.editAll(''..new_v, gg.TYPE_DOUBLE)
print('Searched for ', sch)
print('Found: ', gg.getResultsCount())
print('Edited to ', new_v)
print('Hack done!')
Feel free to improve code and post it here !