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File Comments posted by HorridModz

  1. 23 hours ago, Isois said:

    Ok so I got it to work on a 64x emulator, but it doesn't change the values. The script goes through, but nothing changes in game. 

    It did change, but the game didn't refresh. It should update when you open a chest. Or just reload the game, and next time run the script before clicking the Lottery.

  2. 3 hours ago, dizzy252 said:

    Hahahaha nice work Horrid glad you came back to help us out with a new script please let me us know when your done and if you can check your discord real quick it would be awesome. I also found another script that works very good if you want i can share it with you guys.

    It's here! Sorry it took me the whole day LOL. https://gameguardian.net/forum/files/file/3887-updated-pg3d-2432-actual-32bit-support-pixel-gun-3d-all-update-custom-lottery-rewards-hack-32bit-and-64bit/
    I will hop on discord right now.

  3. On 10/13/2022 at 10:19 AM, bottleolotion said:

    Ok I found a new way, this should work

    Again if you are confused on something pls tell me

    Btw you will need Trap Value Remover Script

    1. Select first option in "Hide GameGuardian from this game" like before


    2. Select "Trap Value Remover" Script


    3. Select "Remove Trap Values and / or useless values"


    4. Select "Remove Useless Value"


    5. Then select "Remove Trap Values" and set the slider to 5


    6. You are done. Do this everytime you get on Pixel Gun to use a script




    Wait, what? MY script? Great, it works! I never thought anyone would use that thing, lmao.. I guess it actually works, to some degree - I have rejected the script because it doesn't appear to work, but it seems that it is producing a weird side effect here that someone makes it work. Out of curiosity, how the heck did you find this out?

    And as @Shyysaid, when the heck do you use it?

    On 2/27/2024 at 3:54 PM, dizzy252 said:

    Yo Horrid are you trying to update the scripr or? cuz i really need it tbh i swear i apprecieate u so much for taking your time to upload free scripts keep going bro and please add me back on discord Theplaya070#6656 and can you tell me please which scripts still work? i tried everything but nothing works can you help me out? thanks

    Haha, it's your lucky day! After a year of it being requested, you got me to do update it! I'm in the process of posting the script right now 🙂

    On 10/4/2022 at 8:14 PM, Esparrago said:

    could you develop the version of armv7 32 bits please

    Should be coming in the new version today

  4. On 12/23/2022 at 6:28 AM, only2we said:

    Hello brother, how are you?, I would like to thank you for your continuous effort, in fact, brother, I have a question about how to get the value for a specific purpose in Pixel gun. Do you do this from lib2 or is there another way with me? Thank you very much. 

    I hate to answer for Michael (and he's been gone for years), but as he updated my script, I do of course know exactly how it works. So, to answer, your question, yes: This value does come from the libil2cpp.so. This script is at its core a basic hex patch, but it incorporates some extra magic to make it work for all updates. While it's not obvious, the root idea is something called a pattern search, as described in this post. But it is much more complicated than that, so if you're looking to utilize this method in your own scripts, there is a lot of new stuff to understand. If you'd like me to further discuss it with you, contact me on discord - User123456789#6424 / @horridmodz

  5. On 2/27/2024 at 3:54 PM, dizzy252 said:

    Yo Horrid are you trying to update the scripr or? cuz i really need it tbh i swear i apprecieate u so much for taking your time to upload free scripts keep going bro and please add me back on discord Theplaya070#6656 and can you tell me please which scripts still work? i tried everything but nothing works can you help me out? thanks

    I'm sorry, I don't plan to update the script anytime soon - but who knows, maybe if I feel like it sometime I will. I'm glad that you like my scripts, and thank you for your kind words; sadly, I haven't been making them much lately due to being busy with school. I'm not exactly sure which scripts work, but feel free to download all of mine and see what does. Good luck!

    PG3D Armor Unlocker

       4,642    14
    On 12/22/2022 at 1:34 PM, Akutxsz said:

    Could you do an similar thing to that but with masks boots and capes ?

    Armor is easy to mod, but most other wear items like masks and capes work differently. I could do it, but I'd have to rewrite the whole script.

  6. Why did you remove the custom option? It works for 64bit and has no issues! I had code to make sure the custom number was valid (between 0 and 65535), and it gave a scary warning when you tried to edit over 45k. It's your script, so don't feel obligated to add it back. But I think a lot of people (including myself) liked the custom option. It didn't cause anyone to get accidently banned or crash the game, either.

    PG3D Armor Unlocker

       4,642    14
    On 10/19/2022 at 2:01 PM, jest555000 said:

    script seems to be patched. as for me nothing appears in armory

    Make sure you follow the instructions exactly: Run the script, select the armor you want, go to the armory and navigate to the armor section, then click the gameguardian icon again. If you are sure you're doing it correctly and it still isn't working, please send me a video.

  7. I recommend using these tutorials, they have everything you need to create a battle pass mod:

    (105) How To Mod Il2CPP library Games{Beginners Tutorial}{All Explained} - YouTube


    (105) TOXIC MODS - YouTube


    On 8/27/2022 at 4:28 PM, kiruuu said:

    does not work on the emulator, writes that it does not work on armv7 32bit 😞

    Read the first sentence of the description before complaining next time

  8. On 8/27/2022 at 11:33 PM, privarok said:

    Hello. Do you get banned for such scripts? Because I looked in the rules of the game, it said that scripts are prohibited. I just don't understand much about it, sorry)

    Technically, using scripts is against terms of service. All hacking you do is at your own risk.

    On 9/1/2022 at 3:31 AM, privarok said:

    So it seems that in some of the previous updates the anti-cheat was updated, and the scripts from the game guardian do not work. Do they really not work?


    This is a very broad question. Please elaborate and show me what scripts are not working.

    hex converter

       898    8
    2 hours ago, MAARS said:

    thanks bro, but the purpose of this script was not there convert value to hex bytecodes, it is just for normal hex the base 16

    Oh ok, that makes a lot more sense! Nevertheless useful.

    hex converter

       898    8

    I wish I would have used this - it would have saved ages!

    Here's my solution:

    function armtohex(fullarm)
    	progressalert("Converting edit value",false)
    	fullhex = ""
    	--Thanks to Enyby for the original arm hex converter I used code from:
    	-- https://gameguardian.net/forum/files/file/2004-arm-converter/
    	for arm in string.gmatch(fullarm,'[^\r\n]+') do 
    		progressalert("Converting edit value",false)
    		local addr = gg.getRangesList('libc.so')
    		for i, v in ipairs(addr) do
    			if v.type:sub(2,2) == 'w' then
    				addr = {{address = v.start, flags = gg.TYPE_DWORD}}
    		if not addr[1].address then
    			print("Error occured converting arm code to hex: Failed to get address ", addr)
    		if is64bit then
    			--Armv8 (64bit)
    			local old = gg.getValues(addr)
    			addr[1].value = '~A8 '..arm
    			local ok, err = pcall(gg.setValues, addr)
    			local out
    			if not ok then
    				err = err:gsub("^.* '1': ", ''):gsub('\nlevel = 1.*$', '')
    				print("Error occured converting arm code to hex: " .. err)
    				out = gg.getValues(addr)
    				out = out[1].value & 0xFFFFFFFF
    				if not hex then
    					out = string.unpack('>I4', string.pack('<I4', out))
    				out = string.format('%08X', out)
    				fullhex = fullhex .. out
    			--Armv7 (32bit)
    			local old = gg.getValues(addr)
    			addr[1].value = '~A '..arm
    			local ok, err = pcall(gg.setValues, addr)
    			local out
    			if not ok then
    				err = err:gsub("^.* '1': ", ''):gsub('\nlevel = 1.*$', '')
    				print("Error occured converting arm code to hex: " .. err)
    				out = gg.getValues(addr)
    				out = out[1].value & 0xFFFFFFFF
    				if not hex then
    					out = string.unpack('>I4', string.pack('<I4', out))
    				out = string.format('%08X', out)
    				fullhex = fullhex .. out
    function hextodecimal(hex)
    	progressalert("Converting edit value",false)
    	--Remove spaces, then reverse bytes (ex: A1 B1 -> B1A1)
    	oldhex = string.gsub(tostring(hex)," ","")
    	hex = ""
    	thisbyte = ""
    	for letterindex = 1, #oldhex do
    		thisbyte = thisbyte .. oldhex:sub(letterindex,letterindex)
    		if #thisbyte == 2 then
    			hex = thisbyte .. hex
    			thisbyte = ""
    	if not(string.sub(hex,1,2) == "0x") then
    		hex = "0x" .. hex
    	--thanks to ItsSC for this function (found at https://gameguardian.net/forum/topic/31634-converting-decimal-to-hex/)
    	hex = tonumber(hex)
    	gg.alert(tostring(tonumber(hex >= 0 and string.format("%X", tonumber(hex)) or string.format("%X", (hex~ 0xffffffffffffffff <<((math.floor(math.log(math.abs(hex))/math.log(10)) + 1) *4))),16)))
    	return(tonumber(hex >= 0 and string.format("%X", tonumber(hex)) or string.format("%X", (hex~ 0xffffffffffffffff <<((math.floor(math.log(math.abs(hex))/math.log(10)) + 1) *4))),16))


  9. 9 hours ago, esperads said:

    Very cool. I suggest u add the feature to edit the last edited value to get coins and vip from sets. So in sets u can edit to 0 and when the last roll is vip or coins you can edit to high value and get coins or vip

    Good idea, but I have do not plan to add the feature to edit specific rewards to different things

    6 hours ago, jest555000 said:

    Cool script. I wanted to ask if you will make a level script?


    PG3D Armor Unlocker

       4,642    14
    On 8/3/2022 at 3:02 AM, rezurnz said:

    hey horridmodz the reason was for when i was off my vacation, also do you know any working gem or coins scripts in this pg3d update because lottery script isnt working so i kinda need a gem or coin script for this script and i am not having luck finding one.

    Don't take things for granted. If you can't find a currency script, you can:

    -Learn modding and create your own

    -Buy currency through in-app purchases

    -Grind the game for currency

    Dynamic Value Remover

       994    2
    On 8/12/2022 at 8:41 PM, rezurnz said:

    Hey HorridModz, how do i unlock armory weapons?

    Please do not comment something completely unrelated to the script. If you have a question, comment on the script the question is for or direct message me.

  10. On 8/9/2022 at 7:12 AM, amongussussy said:

    hey bro hello! hope you are having a nice day! just wanted to ask if you knew the id for vertical grip device thanks!

    I don't 😞 Sorry


    On 8/10/2022 at 4:45 AM, Krelzi said:

     Hi and do you know if there is an anti-cheat bypass with a restart, just a game guardian will detect I can't go in with a script

    I currently have no anti-cheat bypass


    On 8/13/2022 at 7:00 AM, Lims said:

    Who knows how to unlock weapons by using IDs?

    That's what this script is for, I'm confused...

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