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  1. I haven't written down how to apply the changes. First, copy the GameData.es3 file to another space and back it up, then go to the setup app, go to the application - dungeonsquad - storage space, and delete data. Then, as soon as you run dungeonsquad, you'll create a folder without the GameData.es3 file. If you put the backed-up file here and run the game, it will be applied.
  2. First, you need to access the internal storage space of Android. If you go into the internal storage space - android-data - com.gamecoaster.dungeonsquad - files folder, you will find the GameData.es3 file. You can run it and change the internal contents. and you can read korean use this link. https://m.dcinside.com/board/dungeonmaker/64112
  3. I know how to edit some data in android version like- skill & masin exp soul,stone,crystal
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