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Everything posted by t3xboar

  1. haha yes fiddler is great. I used it in the past for an older version of DOT defenders to re-spam the hero roll. I had like max event reward on the first day and constantly was getting banned hehehe. *** @super - i can only get this working on BS. on my phone and tablet it changes the address' too much. I think it only worked once on my tablet (4.4.4) because by miracle the addresses synced up. so yes, it will work if you can find the **** range ! (i soooo wish it was not changing on the tablet. I hate BS)
  2. I honestly don't think it will work. it's server side for the authentication. the only way i could maybe see this working is if you used fiddler to packet capture the send/recieve and then loop it as the packet will have come from the server saying "yes this ID did complete" now that i think about it I need to try that.
  3. Ahh much logic skull.. probably right. @Super - does the xpose/xprivacy actually work?? thought it was BS to begin with as the parts they were trying do a double check server side (once on google for payment then match the generated code to the sale ID game server side) I thought it was visual only when i saw the video of a guy doing it. (figured he had enough gems to troll people pretending it was a hack) I'd be willing to try it and confirm/deny if you wanna link me the overall guide. far too lazy to go hunt down the info for something im dubious about to begin with =P
  4. All my replay videos play until complete. none cut off in BS or on tablet... might just be you/client/game... this is why I'd be careful with the attacking others...
  5. HE is what the icon left of HB? where all the hero's swarm your base? ya it works. If you are talking about attacking someones base - thats just silly.. cant you watch the video of people attacking you? works in dungeon too but you need to not finish fast. it's tricky to get right. i can only do maybe 2 or 3 out of 5 if im lucky.
  6. @ super - I put them all as the pali shield skill. safe and doesnt randomly PK your heros hp with a effin ***** succu skill-down . As for the J leaderboard... no idea how the hell people finish in . seconds to appear there... one one-hundredth of a second? riiiiiight....no wonder they get banned.
  7. Thanks war for the info. You using .52 on bs? I might try doing j if others are farming safe. Thought they were watching it... My hero's arent getting enough exp
  8. well narrowed down all my issues. tablet and phone are too random to use stable style. just gonna stick to BS for now you guys staying safe avoiding I or J ? or are you farming those too ?
  9. Maybe someone can clarify for the .52 I'm having a bit of trouble on the address ranges when on tablet. Bluestacks on .51 randomly dcs me 1 min into the HB. Don't know why..so can't use it anymore unless someone has ideas. Anyways - I'm looking at the v4 and the lines say example use line 150 but the max lvl is not right. So I tried moving +- 4 spots and find what seems to be the correct max lvl line, change it but nothing shows modded in the might. Generally speaking on .52 is the v4 doc calculating right? Or is it way off? Edit: so above text doesn't sound noobsauce - I have gotten this to work on bluestacks .51 for over 2 hours a few days ago..that's why I'm scratching my head on .52 with above text.
  10. Ok so .51 same value placement and .52 we can confirm randomly moved vales then?
  11. Well thats interesting. on 1.2.52 on cell/tablets the address have all changed. even roaming up 2-3 to get the right ones fail either DC'ing you or not changing properly. if someone could double check on this version to make sure im not doing a dumb mistake it would be cool but i did get it working on bluestacks using 1.2.51 - the addresses are in the correct places. so at least its not dead in the water totally.
  12. I might be doing something wrong here but i cant seem to get it to work. I have a hunch that it's because the mobile/tablet address changes.... can someone confirm that on mobile and not bluestacks the latest 1.2.52 is working at least for hbm ? If yes i'll give it another try here. Thanks guys
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