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AmbitiousNoob last won the day on November 14 2024

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    Nexus 6;Pixel 3 XL;Pixel 6 Pro
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Community Answers

  1. I found a way to search for it using group search. 32-bit game: 0~~0D;0D;(UnitType)D;(money whole number)F::13 64-bit game: 0~~0Q;0Q;(UnitType)D;(money whole number)F::21 The K in 217.58K is the UnityType which has a value of 11. The whole number will be 217. So for an example, if you have 217.58K gold and your game is 64-bit, you have to first pause/freeze your game (important) and search 0~~0Q;0Q;11D;217F::21 and then refine search 11D;217F::5 After that, edit all dwords to the desired UnitType number and you can also modify the float value to 0 - 999 if you want to. If nothing comes up, you can try 0~~0Q;0Q;11D;216~218F::21 and then you refine search 11D;216~218F::5 and don't forget to pause/freeze your game. The memory ranges I used for searching was Anonymous and Other. I made a video of me modifying the gold so you can see.
  2. The part I selected in the screenshot has the execution permission. The type is rwxp. You are looking for the one that has x in it.
  3. I have found it in Cd.
  4. Thank you. I appreciate the help.
  5. The game is Bitlife 64-bit version. Search for the Bank Balance which is a Double Once you find the value, tap and hold on it and then tap on "Offset calculator" and use -0x10 Next, go to the pointer and there you are Here is a link to a video if you need it
  6. I just checked and you are right. Without "B40000", the memory range is in Other. The thing is, if I search for the address without "B40000", nothing comes up so "B40000" is needed.
  7. I was thinking about that, thanks. GG_12_API_31.zip
  8. I think you have a different problem.
  9. GG_logcat_r101.1_16142_12_31.log Device: Pixel 6 Pro Android 12 @Enyby
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