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  1. View File Level 65 Script PG3D Recommended use only on alts, I will improve this later. This script will make you level 65. Submitter Michael1541 Submitted 06/26/2024 Category LUA scripts  
  2. Version 24.6.0


    Recommended use only on alts, I will improve this later. This script will make you level 65.
  3. View File PG3D Inf Gallery Gems and Tickets This script makes it so you can collect the same gem or ticket reward an infinite amount of times. In order for this to work you need to already have ticket/gem reward available to collect. If you are a low level and don't have gallery unlocked this script will also unlock it for you, but you need to run the script in loading screen. Submitter Michael1541 Submitted 06/23/2024 Category LUA scripts  
  4. Version 24.5.2


    This script makes it so you can collect the same gem or ticket reward an infinite amount of times. In order for this to work you need to already have ticket/gem reward available to collect. If you are a low level and don't have gallery unlocked this script will also unlock it for you, but you need to run the script in loading screen.
  5. View File PG3D Unlimited Ammo, Health, Crit Script This script contains Unlimited ammo, instant health regen, always crit, and instant respawn. Instant respawn doesn't always work for some reason. There are two version of unlimited ammo, shouldn't matter which one you use. Execute script before Battle for best results. Submitter Michael1541 Submitted 06/23/2024 Category LUA scripts  
  6. Version 24.5.2


    This script contains Unlimited ammo, instant health regen, always crit, and instant respawn. Instant respawn doesn't always work for some reason. There are two version of unlimited ammo, shouldn't matter which one you use. Execute script before Battle for best results.
  7. I need to update it to the latest game version I need to update it to the latest game version
  8. Updated, ignore warning
  9. This is an awesome script and I have had fun playing around with it. In the future do you plan on adding support for strings for the parameters?
  10. WARNING: Do no use this in the latest update it will insta BAN!!!
  11. I use VphoneGaGa emulator on an unrooted android phone and I don't have a problem. You can mess with the "Hide Gameguardian from the game" setting in Gameguardian.
  12. I have not received a ban yet. But I'm not guaranteeing that its safe, an enemy could record you and send it to pixel gun 3d devs/admins and they can ban you.
  13. There most definitely is a limit, I don't know the limit. This script does not have antiban features. If by mistake you give yourself a ridiculous amount of gems/coins you can make a reward negative or make a gun buy super expensive. Only use this on alts unless your confident in what your doing.
  14. View File VED Updated Pixel Gun 3D With VED, you can change just about any value like rewards and cost price. Watch the video posted to see how to use it. In GG make sure you only have A: Anonymous selected. If you're having problems then come back to this video and watch closely. WARNING: If you don't use Trap/useless value Remover you may change a value that bans you. Credits: Originally made By DarkOctet#5778 || Script Based off of Pulsed#1874 VED script || Trap/Usless Value Remover by (HorridModz) User123456789#6424 & User123456789#8073 || Script Updated by Michael1541#9506") Submitter Michael1541 Submitted 05/27/2024 Category LUA scripts  
  15. Version 24.5.1


    With VED, you can change just about any value like rewards and cost price. Watch the video posted to see how to use it. In GG make sure you only have A: Anonymous selected. If you're having problems then come back to this video and watch closely. WARNING: If you don't use Trap/useless value Remover you may change a value that bans you. Credits: Originally made By DarkOctet#5778 || Script Based off of Pulsed#1874 VED script || Trap/Usless Value Remover by (HorridModz) User123456789#6424 & User123456789#8073 || Script Updated by Michael1541#9506")
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