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  1. Hey Mario, Appreciate this new events unlocker for v12.6.6 Update. Thank you. % ️
    A fun script to test out. It is cool to change all the race types and pick a new race type to try, it's interesting:)
  2. Hey, It was just an issue with the GG server's and it took the technical support longer than expected but this was around a year ago..️
  3. Hey Mario, This is an awesome, and appreciate the new update;) Thanks for always putting in you're spare time to help everyone in Rr3.
  4. Hey Mario, I just wanted to it's working fine as you said, just a little slow but I appreciate this script especially with the few bugs in these new updates ever since Slingshot Studio's took it over from Firemonkeys in Melbourne:) I am happy to stay patient until your ready to do a new updated script. Thanks again. I will write a review soon but at least 4½ ☆☆☆☆s
    Awesome script, and a massive time saver. Thanks:)
    Cool script and it works great. Thanks!
  5. Hey Nosferatu, Appreciate all the free time and your effort for creating great scripts like this one. Thanks:)
    Awesome script does exactly what it's meant for and thanks for posting all the new scripts after each RR3 update, a big thumbs up. Thx.
    Awesome script works exactly as expected Cheers Mario..
  6. Hey Mario, Awesome script it has to be the best #1 easy 100%, and appreciate all the new updates scripts. Merry Christmas, hope you enjoyed a fantastic and nice relaxing time with your family. ☆ HAPPY NEW YEAR ☆ Wishing you a great start and prosperous year for 2024. Take care and thank you for helping us RR3 + GG Fans enjoy all the extra racing and exciting game hacks with tips:) Cheers!
  7. Awesome! Nosferatu, Again, thanks for the new update for this script it handy in many situations if others need to catch up on missing rounds and the seasons:)
  8. Nosferatu, Great script and I've been trying to reach out for a reply but you must be busy hopefully you can soon:)
  9. Hey Mario, Awesome auto-win script and such a time saver, much appreciated for any plus the new updates;)
  10. Hey Yoshiri, This 32-bit Auto-Win Script may still work even after v11.5 Update on round 9, v11.6 Update and hopefully others can find it also. Good luck and happy racing:) FYI. Just for anyone who wants to find more about RR3 scripts and other chats to look up Charity HC Group on FB, and there you can ask for help of other top creators for scripts just like the one below as Mario doesn't have the time to update all of the scripts to work on all of the many different emulator, virtual space apps and last for 32-bit. Hi Maro, I Hope this is fine to post this 32-bit script for any others to hopefully use and if you do see it maybe you prefer to post it in your downloads options where all of the new ones you update after each update so kindly. Thanks. rr3_autowin_hack.v11.
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