Hey Mario,
I installed game guardian in f1vm. When I run Currency hack script V9.4.0, I get "Script ended no results found". So I tried v9.0.1.3 and still I get error after entering values I get the following error
Script ended:
No results found.
Script error: luaj.o: /storage/emulated/0/Download/rr3_currency_hack.v9.
attempt to index ? (a nil value) with key 'address' (field '1')
level = 1, const = 26, proto = 0, upval = 9, vars = 20, code = 171
GETTABLE v11 v11 "address"
; PC 58 CODE 05C382C7 OP 7 A 11 B 11 C 270 Bx 5902 sBx -125169
stack traceback:
/storage/emulated/0/Download/rr3_currency_hack.v9. in function </storage/emulated/0/Download/rr3_currency_hack.v9.>
/storage/emulated/0/Download/rr3_currency_hack.v9. in main chunk
[Java]: in ?
at luaj.LuaValue.f(src:989)
at luaj.LuaValue.c(src:2864)
at luaj.LuaValue.i(src:2767)
at luaj.LuaValue.w(src:1094)
at luaj.LuaClosure.a(src:363)
at luaj.LuaClosure.l(src:160)
at luaj.LuaClosure.a(src:533)
at luaj.LuaClosure.l(src:160)
at android.ext.Script.d(src:6056)
at android.ext.Script$ScriptThread.run(src:5785)
Note: Vip, car unlocker scripts are working fine