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  1. How do I change the amount of Season Points?? The SharedVars file is missing in my game!
  2. Nothing found when i search this value, weird
  3. @azziie@Nothing5727Bro which file should I download???
  4. @NoFearIt doesn't work again. Please help. Would it be possible to do this in Cheat Engine btw?
  5. Actually @NoFear can you teach us what software we need to use to find these values? So we can find them ourselves in the future
  6. I tried the old method but with :7929, it only showed negative numbers
  7. Only 4 days left until the Pass ends
  8. I hope someone finds a new method before the season pass end
  9. I saw a YouTube video where someone changed the layout, objectives and the move amount in a level. How do they do this?? Here's a comparison of the level 10377 in Homescapes. Left in fanmade, right is official.
  10. oops, sorry. I didn't notice it. I just followed NoFear's video tutorial.
  11. Movies & TV 2022-10-09 22-22-21_Trim.mp4 Nope, doesn't work. Device is Android 7 64 bit
  12. What iF I use the instant production hack to produce lots of items to sell? Will that trigger the system?
  13. @cisco72563 i don't see the sharedvars json file.
  14. And i'm just gonna leave this here.
  15. Hell yeah it works now. THANKS
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