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  1. Sorry, I may have said this wrong way Basically like bullet spread, it is hard to explain but for mini gun it is 0.15 the spread of the shots, and if I edit to 0 then it shoots directly, so it doesn't spread everywhere, and rifle doesn't have a spread, but it is 0 since it directly shoots, I want to make it so the shot does spread, so then if it spreads it is more likely to shoot at the player SVID_20210829_160110_1.mp4 Sorry, I would prefer to keep the game secret
  2. Basically I'm trying to edit bullet spread, this being rifle, but the value is 0, on anonymous range, I get 23 million results, I refined it, and selected unchanged on fuzzy search so I would get less chance of crashing, I also did a group search to get less results, like 0F;1000D, but I still crash, what could I do?
  3. I have tried these methods, I have only recently discovered that the float of the timer is obscured, although thank you for these methods
  4. Ok I send video InShot_20210801_112422254.mp4
  5. Also, I'm pretty sure the time must be modified as in older versions they've made it possible
  6. It says I can only upload up to 14mb [added 2 minutes later] It isn't like ammo, it's a green line that transforms players into an animal, and you'd have to wait 1 minute until you have to zap it again and I will try upload video for it
  7. I would rather keep the game secret, also I'm not sure if there are other values related it, most of the values I search related to the timer just do not work. I've tried mostly everything like 1.0 to 1.70.
  8. Basically there is this gun in game that has one shot per minute, so basically you shoot and wait 1 minute, but I have searched many values beginning with 1, even 1.001 and also 60, many more, and yet I still cannot find it, and it isn't like ammo, it just has a timer, so it's a float, I've even tried auto and fuzzy search, but I still not able to find. Could someone please give me a value that could be it?
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