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Everything posted by LenaelTheElf

    I love this: it's so much fun to race the mp4-x in other Series ;)
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  3. Well, I tried to read this autorun script for example and failed... So where in GG site are the explanations on how to edit scripts? Please provide a link.
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  5. Ohh, bad news! Thanks for the update. Regarding my question on how to read/edit/develop scripts, any idea where I should go ?
  6. Mario, could you please update the script for the new RR3 version 11? I really don't want to have to fight my way in all the newly added Monaco races! And grazzie for your tremendous work. Another question: I'd like to understand how all this stuff works. at least to be able to provide proper info when a script fail. Is there some tutorials somewhere ? And how do I read the script commands (well, if possible).
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