Hello, please bear with me I'm a bit slow because of chronic illness. I'm trying to learn more about GG and I've been trying to get the libil2cpp of a game working but I can't read it even with IDAPro, idk if that means it's encrypted, some parts of it are just jambles. I used GG and I managed to find and dump the lib of the game and now I'm trying to dump the metadata, I read a bit about it in the forums, how do I know if it's encrypted or not? I watched a video about it and the guy explained just like "yeah this is encrypted it's not like the usual magic bytes, it's been obsfucated or encrypted" what the hell is the usual magic bytes exactly? Aso after getting both the dump of lib and metadata what do I do with them to make the lib readable or decrypt it? Thanks. Sorry if I couldn't really write this any better.