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  1. the hex code that work for 32 bit is: h0000E0E3;h1EFF2FE1 A MVN R0, #0;BX LR i need hex code for 64 bit
  2. There are members in my cooperative. Each member has an ID number. For some members, the eject button is not active, so I cannot remove them from the cooperative. To remove such members, when I remove the member whose eject button is active, I want to change the ID number of the member whose eject button is not active using the following method and remove the members that cannot be removed. RVA: 0x13E3768 Offset: 0x13E3768 VA: 0x13E3768 public void KickMember(string playerId, string playerName, AllianceResultCallback callback) { } playerId: 90609887013 Which value in the picture should I change with the playerId?
  3. Thank you very much. Problem solved. Game=Farmville 2 Contry Escape Script Function=Sell Goods for 0 coin Please note: When game version is updated, you must find and change method offset address in dump.cs Script Code: GVersion = '24.9.100' if GVersion~=v.versionName then print("This Script is for Game Version:\n"..GVersion.."\nYour Game Version is:\n"..v.versionName) gg.setVisible(true) os.exit() return end if gg.isVisible(true) then gg.setVisible(false) end v = gg.getTargetInfo() if v.x64 then lib_address = gg.getRangesList('libil2cpp.so')[1].start method_address = lib_address + 0xF91EE4 base_address = method_address target_address = base_address + tonumber(40) gg.setValues({{address = target_address, flags = 4, value = "~A8 MOV W23, WZR"}}) else lib_address = gg.getRangesList('libil2cpp.so')[1].start method_address = lib_address + 0x938724 base_address = method_address target_address = base_address + tonumber(20) gg.setValues({{address = target_address, flags = 4, value = "~A MOV R9, #0"}}) end
  4. Offset: 0xF91EE4 this is the method offset address in libil2cpp.so why is this address different in gameguardian (0DF91EE4)? my working script: base_address = '0x0DF91EE4' target_address = base_address + tonumber(40) gg.setValues({{address = target_address, flags = 4, value = "~A8 MOV W23, #0x1"}}) when i change base_address to 0xF91EE4, the script did not work. when i change value = "~A8 MOV W23, #0x1" to "~A8 MOV W23, #0x0" i got en error (its's not important. i have no problem in game when i make #0x1)
  5. this is 64 bit. what do i have to find and change here?
  6. i have made script.
  7. Thank you very much. It worked. Next question: 1. Does the address I changed to #0 have an offset address in dump.cs? If not, how can I find the first 8 bytes of hex, from the address I changed with gameguardian, in libil2cpp.so file with a hex editor and change it to 00 00 A0 E3 1E FF 2F E1? 2.Or how can i make a simple gameguardian script? (I apologise for asking this question. I know how to make lua scripts. i have already made several lua scripts. but i can't figure out how to do it now. maybe i can figure it out later.)
  8. i found it. what next?
  9. I don't know how to do this. i just want to make a simple script. is this possible?
  10. // RVA: 0xF91EE4 Offset: 0xF91EE4 VA: 0xF91EE4 public SeafarerOffer CreateOffer(string itemId, int amount, int price, bool p_allianceOnly, bool post = True) { } How can I change only "int price" value to 0 with the Offset? If I change the Offset to 0, all other values in the Offset are also changed. public class SeafarerOffer // TypeDefIndex: 13541 { // Fields public string id; // 0x10 public string itemId; // 0x18 public int amount; // 0x20 public int price; // 0x24 public string costItem; // 0x28 public string status; // 0x30 public string seller; // 0x38 public string buyer; // 0x40 public int voyage; // 0x48 public long createdAt; // 0x50 public bool autoBuy; // 0x58 public int autobuyTime; // 0x5C public AuctionOffer.State tradeState; // 0x60 public string trade_service_id; // 0x68 public string errorType; // 0x70 public bool allianceOnly; // 0x78 public const string STATUS_AVALIABLE = "available"; public const string STATUS_SOLD = "sold"; public const string STATUS_DELETED = "deleted"; If I change the value of the Fields "public int price; // 0x24", it does not work. Do I have to combine the Offset with the Fields? If yes, how?
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