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Everything posted by ile

  1. ile

    CSR 3

  2. ile

    CSR 3

    Some more images. I think there might be some codes like those for NFSNL.
  3. ile

    CSR 3

    Hi All, I recently downloaded and installed CSR3. As I noticed,NM made it very hard to hack with GG, at least for me is hard. I will ask, if someone knows how to hack money and gold,to share the knowledge, thanks.
  4. ile


    Can we have new update,please?! GG is crashing on android 12
  5. It is dword, and you can find videos on YouTube
  6. Money and gold have same codes, If you are able to change the amount of money, then you should be able to change the amount of gold as well. For material parts is this code, 2;327691;26::9 where first number is the amount of parts you have, I'm scraping the parts and I'm leaving only 2 from each part, later on loading screen I'm changing that from 2 to 200. When the game will load your garage will be full and you need to install the parts. Then, open the GG and search for how many parts you can hold, (when you enter in garage, switch to parts and you'll see below the parts are numbers, second number is your amount allowed) Change that amount to 10000
  7. Yes, with game guardian you can hack everything, just remember, once you start hacking you should forget Live races. First of all, find X8 Sandbox download and install it. (watch videos how to configure it) Later, download game guardian and install it. (add nfsnl and game guardian Inside x8 sandbox) And you are good to go. Codes for cash and gold are always same. Like if your amount of cash is 100 you search for: 100;327680~327699::5 Same is for gold.
  8. I am using Huawei P30 pro, which is android, Emui 11.
  9. Thanks a lot brother, I want to ask you two more questions. Are there any new gold codes? And is it possible to use the GG without root? I can't run it through Parallel space, nor through Virtual exposed. Thanks.
  10. Can you please provide me with step by step Guide? Thanks
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