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  1. ah nice so instant aim thanks bro.
  2. what does it mean the accumulation time?
  3. ah i thought i can change it to for example 9999 ammo from 0 there, so its not like that how about the movement speed let'say the value is 0.5 im having a hard time to understand it bro if you are not busy can i request only the weapon settings in your script in the latest version it takes too long to load from my phone is only 3gb ram, i just only need that latest addition damagex2 auto fire no recoil, max ammo i forget the other one i think it is 5 in there.
  4. i want to change max ammo here to unli ammo like in your script 5000 ammo what value should i change here
  5. can i already change the value there in lobby for example the armor
  6. yah i try to change the damage to x3 it will kick you out of the game ban 1hour for firerate safe is scattershot must not use 30 change to something like 40-45 i used in destroyer but also ban thanks nokia i like the combo of no reload plus unli ammo and auto fire haha bro can you teach me how you are finding this value i try on my own manual search but i coud not do it.
  7. update chams not work for me it says chams not possible for this device.
  8. yah i remember the underground i am behind on the walls there and shoots every player idk if it is wallclimb, how about the no reload bro is it possible? or it will trigger the ban cause unli ammo + no reload shoot continuosly. i see it now it is not ticked in mine gonna try if it works
  9. bro thanks gonna test it, your not noob cause you can make this script possible and you are the one of the great in making script, the last time i use cheat is the forgotten script of gob a long time ago where underground, wallhack, wallclimb still works. The only hack that does not work for me is the chams and the zoom height scope. Chams is like you can see enemies in wall? If only i can be like you on how you find values ingame so i can learn also in making script. BIg thanks to you bro. keep it up.
  10. bro nice script, the teleport works but one question is there a way for it to use a hotkey so dont need to scroll down everytime activate it or separate script sorry for my grammar if you understand what i mean.
  11. how about sir the damage hack x2 it is bannable ? i just used it to easily finish thebattle career.
  12. i dont activate the headshot only the ammo and x2 i dont want to get banned again here is the link of the video i upload in mediafire cause it is too large to upload here https://www.mediafire.com/file/vdn9ay4vpdq1v1f/VID_20220508_040515.mp4/file
  13. it's exiting the game guardian after loading the script old version work but there is bug in sunburst when you pick it up insta ban account i have used two accounts right now.
  14. is it working in the latest version?
  15. I got banned of this but i enjoyed i played only 3games after that i got banned thanks btw please continue making scripts or add some anti ban.
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