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Posts posted by Farmeriscool

  1. On 12/2/2021 at 10:24 PM, WhoKnowsWho said:

    For what i have seen there is lil information about how the logic of attacks of speed work in RPG games. RPG games very different logic but when once figured out i am quite convinced it would be a general method as pretty much all developers have to kind of follow a logic. Actually late reply but just happened to found this convo. Something to try would be slowing speed of the game and see what happens between the tapping of the attack button and after all the functions are finished. We do not know at what moment in time it decreases or increases resulting in missing out on the desired value. One thing i learned by now is that it is never only increase or decrease. You have to be cautious about what happens.

    Holy s*** you still hack on gg? Nice I guess

  2. 13 hours ago, rambo7880 said:

    how did you figure out inf durability, idc if its not into a code, i been trying to get it for hours and havent been able too, please help me 

    Decrease value search ect ez

  3. 2 hours ago, faiz92786 said:

    Hy guys i need help regard lua 

    I want to edit search value by lua not by using 

    gg.editall because it edit all value found 


    I want to edit few value like i search for group value 1;2;3;4::23


    And it find 1 , 2, ,3 ,4 so i want to edit only two value 

    Which if like i want to edit value 2 >98 and value 4>77

    I dont get what your saying just that you want to not use editAll


    Example 1 is using edit all but let's say I want to edit just 3


    gg.searchNumber("1;2;3;4::23", gg.TYPE_URTYPE)
    gg.refineNumber("3", gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
    gg.editAll("val", gg.TYPE_URTYPE)

    That will only edit value 3

    But now let me show you a different method without editAll


    local s
    gg.searchNumber("1;2;3;4::23", gg.TYPE_URTYPE)
    s = gg.getResults(AMOUNT)
    for i,v in ipairs(s) do
      if v.value == "3" and v.flags == "TYPE" then 
        v.value = "amount"


  4. On 11/12/2020 at 11:02 AM, TekMonts said:

    Too many guys ask about GG and libil2cpp.so to working with gameguardian.

    So I decided to make some guides to working around with it using offset.

    Game: Call of duty - Mobile VN

    Funtion to hack: Show enemy on radar

    This game was protected from dumper, so I uses Il2CppInspector to inspect the lib.

    Open up the Il2CppInspector.exe and drag the apk to the app GUI then wait a bit:



    I exported the Json file to find the function and address, and I want to find where the function to show enemy on rada, I found this:



    0x046C37F4 -- here is address holded the function get_ShowEnemyOnRadar()


    So what should we do?

    We can mod directly in libil2cpp.so, using the hock, create the app to call...

    But here, I willshow you how to modify this function using GameGuardian

    First, you need the function tohandle the lib, share on Internet and I just copy paste here:

    local memFrom, memTo, lib, num, lim, results, src, ok = 0, -1, nil, 0, 32, {}, nil, false
    function name(n)
        if lib ~= n then
            lib = n
            local ranges = gg.getRangesList(lib)
            if #ranges == 0 then
                print("⚠ERROR: " .. lib .. " are not found!⚠")
                gg.toast("⚠ERROR: " .. lib .. " are not found!⚠")
                memFrom = ranges[1].start
                memTo = ranges[#ranges]["end"]
    function hex2tbl(hex)
        local ret = {}
                ret[#ret + 1] = ch
                return ""
        return ret
    function original(orig)
        local tbl = hex2tbl(orig)
        local len = #tbl
        if len == 0 then
        local used = len
        if len > lim then
            used = lim
        local s = ""
        for i = 1, used do
            if i ~= 1 then
                s = s .. ";"
            local v = tbl[i]
            if v == "??" or v == "**" then
                v = "0~~0"
            s = s .. v .. "r"
        s = s .. "::" .. used
        gg.searchNumber(s, gg.TYPE_BYTE, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, memFrom, memTo)
        if len > used then
            for i = used + 1, len do
                local v = tbl[i]
                if v == "??" or v == "**" then
                    v = 256
                    v = ("0x" .. v) + 0
                    if v > 127 then
                        v = v - 256
                tbl[i] = v
        local found = gg.getResultCount()
        results = {}
        local count = 0
        local checked = 0
        while true do
            if checked >= found then
            local all = gg.getResults(8)
            local total = #all
            local start = checked
            if checked + used > total then
            for i, v in ipairs(all) do
                v.address = v.address + myoffset
            while start < total do
                local good = true
                local offset = all[1 + start].address - 1
                if used < len then
                    local get = {}
                    for i = lim + 1, len do
                        get[i - lim] = {address = offset + i, flags = gg.TYPE_BYTE, value = 0}
                    get = gg.getValues(get)
                    for i = lim + 1, len do
                        local ch = tbl[i]
                        if ch ~= 256 and get[i - lim].value ~= ch then
                            good = false
                if good then
                    count = count + 1
                    results[count] = offset
                    checked = checked + used
                    local del = {}
                    for i = 1, used do
                        del[i] = all[i + start]
                start = start + used
    function replaced(repl)
        num = num + 1
        local tbl = hex2tbl(repl)
        if src ~= nil then
            local source = hex2tbl(src)
            for i, v in ipairs(tbl) do
                if v ~= "??" and v ~= "**" and v == source[i] then
                    tbl[i] = "**"
            src = nil
        local cnt = #tbl
        local set = {}
        local s = 0
        for _, addr in ipairs(results) do
            for i, v in ipairs(tbl) do
                if v ~= "??" and v ~= "**" then
                    s = s + 1
                    set[s] = {["address"] = addr + i, ["value"] = v .. "r", ["flags"] = gg.TYPE_BYTE}
        if s ~= 0 then
        ok = true


    Now you need to call the function:

    gg.setRanges ( gg .REGION_CODE_APP | gg .REGION_C_DATA) -- usally you only need this region
    name('libil2cpp.so')									-- name the lib
    myoffset = 0x046C37F4									-- offset you found
    original('7F 45 4C 46 01 01 01 00')						-- begin hex, open the libil2cpp.so with HexView and find first 8 bytes of hex
    replaced('01 00 A0 E3 1E FF 2F E1')						-- use arm to hex converter, convert "return true" to hex, see https://armconverter.com/?code=mov%20r0,%20%231%0Abx%20lr


    Put it in your lua and done, you're now can hack the radar using GG and libil2cpp.




    Demo file: CODHack_Demo.lua

    Any programs to do this on without pc?

  5. 13 hours ago, WhoKnowsWho said:

    I see,

    Mind me asking how you would put that into a script when the value is changing each time you change gun?

    So let's say my default spawn gun walkspeed value is 2.4.

    You search 2.4 and if it hasnt got loads of addresses or wont crash you

    when you make it into the script just make sure you have that weapon out

    And then changing the gun wont lower your walkspeed as long as you freeze it 

  6. 1 hour ago, WhoKnowsWho said:

    Sorry i do not follow how knife is relevant to it?

    His question is to wide, personal opinion his question has to be narrowed down..what does he want.
    Speed hack exist in many forms,

    • speed up time?
    • speed up walk speed of a character
    • speed up the hole game process as the GG does but then everything is speed up and for games as black dessert that is not always relevant good.
    • speed up sprint only

    so many other things, since he is asking how to find it. But please do explain or educate me about your way of finding speed hack since there are so many different ways and if possible make a example with a game because i'm unfamiliar with the method you described.


    So in most fps games when you change your weapon itl make you go faster/ or slower

    I scan Unknown value (DWORD, FLOAT, DOUBLE, depends on the game)

    So what I would do is change my weapon to my knife or any gun that will make me run faster then i scan increased value 

    And then change back to a gun that makes me run slower then scan Decreased 

    So I keep changing back and fourth scanning each time until I find the correct value 

    -Happy new year

  7. 5 hours ago, FrostBorn2020 said:

    Sir didint manage but am founded vid how the guy manage to do it 

    and thats is possible now is just how to get that value


    Ok so did figure out inf durability but I cant make it into code

    I've made a walk through wall script but it crashes some times

    I found the value that makes all animals/mobs white

    Its rather easy to do

  8. It could be done over server then which is probably impossible to change but my last suggestion is to

    Do a unknown  value search (PUT IT ON AUTO I KNOW ITL TAKE A WHILE)

    Make the axe lose durability then scan Decreased then scan unchanged (not needed but it makes it 10 times faster)

    And keep decreasing the durability and scanning Decreased eventually you should find the value. if it doesnt work then it's done by server


    Have fun.

  9. 2 hours ago, FrostBorn2020 said:

    Hi, am now that is durability hack working definitly but am need help to make one for my self frostborn game is.


    Okey now to issues am tryed like this, craftes axe 50/50 durability am think becauss game not showing it, next dword and search for 50;50 then hit one time and search for 49;50 but cant find nothing

    Can u pls help thank you

    I dont really understand what you are saying but have you tried

    Crafting the axe(obviously) you say the axes durability is 50 yes?

    Then search 50 (could be dword,float,double,byte ect thats for you to find out)

    So after you searched 50

    Hit a tree or do anything that could lower the durability, if you know the durability value after lowering it then search that number if not press the microscope with the "?" On the image 

    Then press Decreased 

    Keep lowering the durability and searching the value and then eventually you should find it.

    Ps 50;50 is a group search which you dont need to do

    Hope I helped if not reply back I'm happy to help

  10. On 12/23/2020 at 8:45 PM, karbiner98O said:

    different for every game or similar sometimes

    for me just now I have a game did range search 2~90 found the colour but still working on wallhack to get top on leaderboards 

    What game was that

  11. 47 minutes ago, karbiner98O said:

    mine is snap dragon so i know it will be either in 0.5 or 2.0 in region video

    my previous device was kirin so it was always 2.0 region Alloc

    Oh I'm on exynos I think its harder 

  12. 2 hours ago, Farmeriscool said:

    So I saw someone on YouTube make a pubg esp by changing the value 0.5

    Do you have any idea how he figured out that 0.5 allowed him to see people through walls or is it just trial and error?

    Edit: I'm on exynos 


  13. So I saw someone on YouTube make a pubg esp by changing the value 0.5

    Do you have any idea how he figured out that 0.5 allowed him to see people through walls or is it just trial and error?

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