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Everything posted by izeor

  1. I think prompt is a nice idea.. thanks for your advice
  2. Make sure you didnt change the script’s name. even though it was has (1)
  3. In fact I've found more than just that. But, some items like that can't (I don't know how yet) summoned into the script. Until now, I'm still thinking about how to call them to be included in the script.
  4. you were download the old version. i was reupload new version.
  5. good advice, i will try it at a later date
  6. View File FarmVille 2: Country Escape NEW UPDATE !!! updated features : Fix Bugs Bilingual Verson (Bahasa & English) New icons Feature : 1. KEY HACK (increase 375 keys can be added many times) (DONT USE THIS IF YOU HAVE NO KEYS) 2. COIN HACK (40M) 3. DECORATION MODE (Increase limited Shop for buying items. when in original version, we only can purcahase for limited items.) NB : Do not change scripts name. if so, script will not work! Some features (or even all) scripts may not work if you have been "overwritten your farm with someone else's farm" (cloned farm) or have been failed before when using GG to change/increasing the number of keys, so the keys are reset becomes 0. and also may not work properly if you using cloner apk (e.g Parallel Space) This script has been tested and runs well on rooted android using original apk from PS (not MOD apk) valid until 22 August 2020 Submitter izeor Submitted 08/13/2020 Category LUA scripts  
  7. Version 20.08.24


    NEW UPDATE !!! updated features : Fix Bugs Bilingual Verson (Bahasa & English) New icons Feature : 1. KEY HACK (increase 375 keys can be added many times) (DONT USE THIS IF YOU HAVE NO KEYS) 2. COIN HACK (40M) 3. DECORATION MODE (Increase limited Shop for buying items. when in original version, we only can purcahase for limited items.) NB : Do not change scripts name. if so, script will not work! Some features (or even all) scripts may not work if you have been "overwritten your farm with someone else's farm" (cloned farm) or have been failed before when using GG to change/increasing the number of keys, so the keys are reset becomes 0. and also may not work properly if you using cloner apk (e.g Parallel Space) This script has been tested and runs well on rooted android using original apk from PS (not MOD apk) valid until 22 August 2020
  8. izeor

    LUA scripting

    Thank you very much. it works! I am very happy. Thank you very much. it works! I am very happy !!!
  9. izeor

    LUA scripting

    Thanks You really give enlightenment. I will try it.
  10. izeor

    LUA scripting

    this is what i made. Please guide me
  11. izeor

    LUA scripting

    hello everyone, let me introduce myself, my name is izeor. I learned the script self-taught. please guide me if I'm currently developing a script. so. like how to make a script like the following: search value A: 50 (manual input) and search value B: 1000 (manunal input) then, value A and value B, become: 50;1000::5 ( ::5 is an absolute value ) and the value of A will be added to 375, then it becomes A + 375 = 425 apologize if I am wrong in using the word or term.
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