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Everything posted by corbendallas

  1. Lately there is an issue with all Marios download links not working. Perhaps using Mediafire download server could be tried.
  2. Thank you bucflorem !! Thank you Mario !!
  3. Mario...."Bad Gateway".....can not download script.Please upload again.Thanx !
  4. Neither then autowin works.
  5. Script not working
  6. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  7. I tried several older versions and none of them worked.
  8. Mario could you do video tutorial and teach us how to create this script by ourselves ? Every time when update arrives we need to ask you and wait a long time for new script because old doesnt work.Thanks !
  9. Thank you !Mario !
  10. Older script doesnt work. Mario ! We need latest 10.5. version ! Thanx !
  11. Mario ! Please we need for latest 10.5. version of game ! Thank you
  12. Thank you Mario for updating this best script ever. I don't understand what they change in game that script can't be permanent across all game versions? Is it possible to do script to work across upcoming game versions?
  13. Thank you Mario ! Now it is much easier to finish that Formula challange.
  14. Actually, S version doesn't work either. I tried on both my S7+ T970 and S10+ G975 devices on Android 11.
  15. Mario, please could you update version for latest RR3 10.0 ? it seems none of the old scripts works. This is the best script of all so far. Thank you !
  16. Thank you Mario ! You rules !!
  17. Please Mario, could you upgrade script for 9.8 version ?
  18. From all the mods and scripts this is far more the best one !! THANK YOU MARIO for updating script !!! Respect !
  19. No.It doesnt work on latest version
  20. Thank you ! Works great !
  21. ???? [added 0 minutes later] Please Mario can you update to 9.3 version ?
  22. This would be very usefull script but it doesn't work on latest game versions.
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