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Everything posted by Rxhacker

  1. you have to generate for each of them 1 by 1
  2. Everything about offsets 1. What is offset ? It is a distance between something. The distance can be from lib file start + offset (distance) = value , to reach the final value, it can be distance of a value declared in a class with the start of class, it can be distance between any values. 2. I got offset like "0xFA891CC" from somewhere. How to use it? This is probably a method offset. These are the example of method : SetCoins(int coins), NextLevel(), Jump(). Methods are found in code app memory range in game guardian and the structure of them is same every time you open the game. The offset that you have is the distance of method from lib start. It can be confusing for new people to write a script to use them, so i have developed a tool called method patching library. There are around 6 kind of methods and you have to know how to work with each of them. So watch a full playlist here to learn how to hack them all. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KrtsCgOk0dQ&list=PLPXJyeG0N6pDpD8_Fu67fCzTpR-QrCOqV 3. How do I find offsets myself? For that you have to know what is dumping and how to dump a game. After dumping you will get a dump.cs file which can be opened with a text editor. Inside that you can find methods. Watch this video if you don't know about dumping. This video is about felid offset finding (another concept in game hacking) but the dump and offset find process is exactly same.
  3. I reason is i have to write some code which is longer then 4kb , using your concept i can write the code. But what happened is i had to write a jump code at the end of 4kb to another allocated space, so i was wondering if there was any way to allocate an continues block of memory more then 4kb. But turns but there isn't such option. I think i will move forward with jump code. Thank you
  4. Is there any way to allocate more then 4kb in the memory using game guardian ?
  5. For hooking void you need to call the void method by modifying another method to call it. This might be confusing for new gg users so i created an script template which allows you to hook void in gg with parameters (basic data types). With inbuild switch off code and ability to choose how many times you want to call the void method. These are the steps to use the template : 1. Download this code which i like to call method patching library , then paste it at the very top of your script 2. Now copy code for voidHook and then paste this anywhere, you can paste this in your script menu or how you would like to make your cheat active 3. Find the offset from dump.cs file or anywhere, and use those offsets to apply patches Below you can see an example of usage of this code : -- RVA: 0x1000 Offset: 0x1000 -- public static void Update() { } -- RVA: 0x2000 Offset: 0x2000 -- public void AddHealth(float health) { } HackersHouse.voidHook({ { ['libName'] = "libil2cpp", ['targetOffset'] = 0x1000, ['destinationOffset'] = 0x2000, ['parameters'] ={ { "float", 999999} }, ['repeat'] = 1, ['libIndex'] = 'auto' } }) HackersHouse.voidHookOff({ { ['libName'] = "libil2cpp", ['targetOffset'] = 0x1000, ['destinationOffset'] = 0x2000, } }) This probably has some bugs you can either report in the comments or you can come to telegram.
  6. Let's consider i have a function called addCoins(int coins). I want to make changes to this function to hack the number of coins. I was able to change the paramater value by allocating a memory page and jumping to that address and writing assembly code there. But one limitation i get is that, i will have to wait for the function addCoins(int coins) to get called. SO, Can we make game guardian execute from an memory page? Not by jumping from the game code but as a seperate thread.
  7. When we find coin, bullet, gems value in game, the address changes after we restart our game. Making it confusing for new gg Lua developers. To solve that, we use group search method. And this script will help you by: 1. Automatically generating Search code 2. Increasing search speed 3. Will find the value even if the main value changes, like bullet values which keeps changing and is not same 4. Will stores values in a table in a txt file, so you can analyse it later on (This script is meant for new gg users to make it easy for searching values using script) GG_Search_Code_Generator.lua
  8. View File Field Offset Finder This is a free + open source Field offset finder script. You will need the dump of game for it to work. I am new at such tool making. But wanted to share what i have done. I know there are errors and will fix in future. You can come Here for Updates or For discussion. Thank you. Submitter Rxhacker Submitted 03/31/2022 Category Tools  
  9. Version 3


    This is a free + open source Field offset finder script. You will need the dump of game for it to work. From the dump.cs file get variables with basic data types like int, float, bool. Then download and run field offset finder script. Input the class name and offset. And then you will get field values of all instances of that class. You can download the latest version of Field Offset Finder from here. After finding the value you have two choices for making script. First one is to use search code generator which gives you an code that you can paste in your script and it will find the value. The second option is to use the value from class function that comes with field offset finder. An example of usage of value from class is this : valueFromClass( "PlayerController", "0x148", false, false, gg.TYPE_DWORD) gg.getResults(9999) gg.editAll(99999, gg.TYPE_DWORD) You can see the documentation of value from class function here. This feature will also be added to Method Patching Library in the future with the ability to find struct and their field too. If you don't know what method patching library is then it is a collection of prebuild functions that allows you to patch methods instead of fields. You can check documentation in you are interested.
  10. Is it an online game ?
  11. View File Mini Militia - Doodle Army 2 hack script This is a simple but effective mini militia hack with antiban. Features online auto update health hack Speed hack bullet rain grenede hack mag size hack If you have any confusion come here Main chanel Script chanel Submitter Rxhacker Submitted 12/05/2020 Category LUA scripts  
  12. 15,084 downloads

    This is a simple but effective mini militia hack with antiban. Features online auto update health hack Speed hack bullet rain grenede hack mag size hack If you have any confusion come here Main chanel Script chanel
  13. If the game crshes below android 9 then block the following permission from x pravicy it will be reduced. 0..Block identification Block system permission like 1..Get installed package list 2...get process list 3...queri permission And then go to shell command and block exelute permission. Now the game will not give fc. If that also doesn't help then insted of attaching to game process attach to the protective process of game and search unknown value and edit thousands of values then it may be good but don't kill the protective process other game will crash.
  14. Ok, but how this related to my question.
  15. Ok , i will do that . Insted of denying the permission for file . I denayed some permission of app from xpravicy and now its running and sometimes the protective process of games die themselves. So now it working , thanks for help.
  16. Ok i understand. but how to. disable the internal debugger in the game subprocess.
  17. Thanks ,but can we weaken their anticheat by denaying permission or providing fake data , i have xposed module installed and have xpravicy installed. I have a strange problem. . The game was hack properly 2 month ago and no force close..... 1 and half month ago game started force close ..... Again 1 month ago ago hack started working properly and i even didn't use hide game guardian but no ban and hack work properly. ..... Now again the force close started. ... Does game guardian need busybox. And are there any xposed modules which can help weaken their anticheat or bypass force close. I even tried it on emulator and same it force closes.
  18. I used all methods even used root from vertual space.hide option. X pravicy. but the games (freefire and pubg ) crash even on searching values. How to bypass force close All hack used to work properly 1 month ago.
  19. Please send your old script here then only i or anyone could help you.
  20. Bro if you find value please give only 1 hack values i want to see how freefire hacking is very fast using offset script . You can give me the not working old script values also that will help me please .
  21. Rxhacker

    Fast search

    Can we add ranged search on this like 2~55
  22. View File 8 ball pool hack script This is a very useful 8 ball pool script. It has cue change cue fully upgrade features. Submitter Rxhacker Submitted 09/12/2020 Category LUA scripts  
  23. 16,774 downloads

    This is a very useful 8 ball pool script. It has cue change cue fully upgrade features.
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