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    Sony experia 1 mk i

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  1. Mine is working, what devices u have sir?
  2. It really cool if u can hack some spawnrate for another difficulty, but i have try many way, and failed, can u help me?
  3. Search "double/E" and you can get it
  4. Yes, please
  5. Btw i use 64 bit
  6. Can someone helpme dump this game https://apkcombo.com/id/slime-hunter-wild-impact/com.abiss.roem/ I got the file but when I'm going to dump it, it says "metadata is not metadata file", i try method protected but didn't work
  7. Thanks
  8. Still blocked, I'm so unlucky
  9. Ok
  10. Found it, thanks And blocked, it write you can't connect to server
  11. Any update code now?
  12. I know that video, that is "obsecured Int" what I'm confused about is "obsecured float" Bruh, obsecured float, not obsecured int
  13. I got the real one, it not far from the field offset i found, like 8 offset below, but if i edit that value with random value, it will be crash, but if i replace with same known obsecurd float value, it worked, So is there a way to edit the obsecured float without replacing it?
  14. Field What is the difference between working on a field and a method!
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