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Dilan1990 last won the day on December 4 2021

Dilan1990 had the most liked content!

1 Follower

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    oppo a3s
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  1. if you fail, try again until you can, I'm like that too
  2. Try this Octopus_6.1.4_64bit_fix_gg_signed.apk Octopus_Plugin_32_4.4.4.apk
  3. Thanks sir its work ,and no fc , but if select process(virtual app) in gg show error failed proc/pid/maps, but it doesn't matter to me Device : realme c15 qualcom edition android 11(R)
  4. I have changed the package name of the app (virtual app). so, the plugin can't be merged, because the package name of the app is not the same as (virtual app)
  5. VINX_6.1.4_ultra_sign.apk
  6. I try.. but app not installed -device vivo y91 android 8.1-
  7. Thankyou for update optimize version 2.0 , but version 2.0 GG stuck or crash i don't know. version 2.0 original stable no stuck ,no crash Thankyou enyby
  8. Please optimize Version 2.0 https://github.com/ganyao114/SandVXposed/releases/tag/2.0
  9. version 5.4.6 64bit gg signed force close in android 8.1.0 device vivo 1817.. version 5.4.6 64bit original no force close.. thanks:)
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