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  1. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  2. Hide game guardian from the game (Level 2 and 3)
  3. @Lenn1 garena removed metadata security I don't know why? But... Anyways now.... I can get dump.cs and all types of dummydll monoscript and all
  4. You can get dump.cs from riru-il2cppdumper. But no idea coz it works 99% but not always
  5. Yes. That's true. Using armv7a will fix or if you have knowledge then you can dump the game yourself and create your own script of x86. Did you tried removing any protection of global-metadata.dat? @NoFear please help. I know you know. I saw on iosGods
  6. But... I tried riru-il2cppdumper it's working with arm64 but not with armv7a. I changed unity version but it's not working
  7. @Lenn1 try yourself once
  8. But... I am trying with Android game and ain't getting something like metadata in maps.txt got from dump. Can you try?
  9. Using gg dump memory feature [added 0 minutes later] I didn't get it
  10. I suggest you don't work for 64bit use armabi-v7a instead. Coz... I tried you can't edit values in CODE_APP they are read-only. So download 32bit from apkpure and find.
  11. @NoFear Can you please help me to get dump.cs for Free Fire? It has encrypted libil2cpp.so and global-metadata.dat I got dump from gg and have the decrypted libil2cpp.so but..... I can't get the global-metadata.dat file. can you please help?
  12. well if you have a root device then you can use riru-il2cppdumper that executes at runtime and creates dump.cs
  13. Welllllll..... @Lenn1 the gun skin is only visual. Once you edit that and if you wish then you can also freeze the value. But.... It won't work. You get to lobby and again go to weapon section. You will find the gun completely disappeared
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