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  1. Name of Game: Pirate Heroes (Will of D) Play Store Link (If it's a paid app, the apk): https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.pirateherosxy.en Version: 1.1.2 What cheat? Health, xp, gold...: DIAMONDS and COINS (VIP tag, if possible) Have you tried cheating this game? What happened?: Yes, every value editing hack tools and tried packet editing but can't quite figured it out. Both did nothing. Comments: It's a server sided game. I know it's hard to cheat, but there are already so many of hackers in this game. But the game's popularity is not as high as other games, so hacker with the ability to cheat server sided games are not so interested. Maybe you guys can make this game as a challenge for your hacking skill.
  2. Tried it. Gave me errors at the end pf the match. Though sometimes get randomly through. Courtesy of oopseh.
  3. And right when I thought fuzzy search is hard. Hex surely sounds even harder. Anyway I will definitely try both. Thanks, guys. This will help me so much.
  4. Anyone know how to search percentage value in a game using GameGuardian? I mean, is it using different bytes? Or else? I kinda tried it on Auto. But after 2nd or 3rd search, the result turned to zero. I tried to do it on FIFA for my possession percentage. But failed. Or is it impossible to do search percentage value?
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