Do anyone has any idea what the modifiedAbilityLevels flag stands for?
I've done some testing and concluded following things:
- Modifying gold / gems only will not flag it.
- Unlocking minions flagged me
- Fast leveling abilities with hacked gems flagged me
I also saw that the script shows the UUID found from memory.
I found out Eternium reads the SERIAL of android devices.
I tried spoofing my (rooted) android SERIAL but the UUID doesn't seem to change after data wipe and clean install (downloaded apk).
What I found was, once flagged with modifiedAbilityLevels, a new account will also be flagged as modifiedAbilityLevels = true, immidiatly after one level.
Even though I did not change anything.
I was wondering how Eternium generates the UUID?
As I suspect they store flagged UUID's.
Would be nice to be able to spoof the UUID to restart a new account with a clean slate.