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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/30/2022 in File Comments

  1. Hey is there anyway to make BP script or something like that? I just starting to hack games so yeah. Edit: Which software, you can recommend to hack games like PG3D
    1 point
  2. Good idea, but I have do not plan to add the feature to edit specific rewards to different things No
    1 point
  3. The script looks awesome especially the static value plugin, but there is an issue with the main core toolbox: Error Log From GG: Script ended: Script error: luaj.o: /storage/emulated/0/Download/BadCase's Toolbox v1.2.2.lua:403 `script_title = " BadCase's Toolbox \nGame: " .. gg.getTargetInfo().label .. "\nPackage: " .. gg.getTargetPackage()` attempt to index ? (a nil value) with key 'label' level = 1, const = 137, proto = 27, upval = 1, vars = 31, code = 306 GETTABLE v27 v27 "label" ; PC 113 CODE 0DCF86C7 OP 7 A 27 B 27 C 318 Bx 14142 sBx -116929 stack traceback: /storage/emulated/0/Download/BadCase's Toolbox v1.2.2.lua:403 in main chunk [Java]: in ? at luaj.LuaValue.f(src:989) at luaj.LuaValue.c(src:2864) at luaj.LuaValue.i(src:2767) at luaj.LuaValue.w(src:1094) at luaj.LuaClosure.a(src:363) at luaj.LuaClosure.l(src:160) at android.ext.Script.d(src:6056) at android.ext.Script$ScriptThread.run(src:5785) Please fix this asap, i need the static value plugin desperately! Good Luck Bad!
    0 points
  4. hmmm interesting, how does one use it?
    0 points
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